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French Electoral Earthquake

All of this anti-semitism and Muslim rioting in France is taking a political toll. As reported in Le Figaro, there was an electoral shocker there yesterday. Chirac came in first, but Le Pen came in second, ahead of Jospin. There will be no socialists in the runoff. For those who are French-language challenged, here's another version of the story in English.

It's going to be a very interesting (and perhaps violent) run-off.

Posted by Rand Simberg at April 21, 2002 12:13 PM
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We're not "French-language challenged." We just choose to learn useful languages like Spanish, Russian or Japanese.

What will be interesting is the Socialist response. Will they sit it out (and push the voter turnout even lower) or try to make a deal with one or the other candidates? If they stay home, LePen may actually have a chance. I could also see them trying to make such an unofficial deal, with the Leninist expectation that LePen will make things so bad that they can offer themselves as the way back to French greatness.

Posted by raoul ortega at April 21, 2002 05:29 PM

That IS interesting, Raoul. You need to get a blog of your own.

I don't think the Socialists will stay home. I see them loudly talking up the plight of the poor, claiming the election has been fixed by the right wing, and demanding to know who is going to fix things. Tactically, they'll hold off on supporting either side until the last few months, and then throw their support behind Chirac when things look at their worst. At least, that's what I'd do if I were a Frenchman with no conscience.

I've added your statement to an UPDATE in my own blog entry on the subject.

Posted by David Ross at April 21, 2002 06:32 PM

I'm glad to see Le Pen making it. Whatever else you may say about him, he's been the only one addressing the "elephant in the living room" of French politics - Muslim immigration. Now that he's in the running something will finally be done about it. It may bedone by a President Le Pen. More likely it will be done by a President Chirac who was forced to make it part of his campaign - I don't believe he can win if he doesn't. But it will be addressed.

Posted by at April 21, 2002 07:36 PM

All socialist and green politicians have called to vote for Chirac, as soon as the results were known, without any hesitation.

The right wing politicians were very cool about this, they've won and they looked like they think this isn't such a big deal. Shame on them.

As a Frenchman I'm deeply shocked and affected by this poll, and you'd be quite polite to respect us people like human beings the likes of you, not rats in a cage here for your 5 minutes of entertainment on CNN.
Thanks in advance.

Posted by eb at April 22, 2002 09:26 AM

The left will do what they do whenever they don't get their own way: riot. I expect there to be a lot of rioting between now and the poll. Could this mark an end to the 4th Republic, I sure hope so!

As far as the end of that rant from eb. Wonder what he means?

Sr. Ortega, you are welcome to write for my blog, anytime.

Posted by Andrew Ian Dodgeblog at April 22, 2002 09:54 AM

I'm trying to remember exactly what the Froggies have done that's been at all worthy of "respect" lately (leaving aside cheap shots about Vichy). Buying conspiracy-theory books about how the Pentagon wasn't attacked? Making excuses for synagogue burnings? Arresting people for working longer than 35 hours a week?

In the USA, respect is generally earned. Some of the attributes we respect include honesty, intelligence, courage, free-thinking, and hard work. We have, ah, not seen much of this from France lately (if ever).

As for CNN, is "eb" saying that they fabricated all the silly things the Froggies have been doing?

But of course in enlightened France not all opinions are legal. So what we seem to have here in "eb" is a product of the tyrannical culture: if you don't like a reported fact, attack the reporter.

Posted by David Ross at April 22, 2002 10:52 AM

I instinctively distrust the reporting on Le Pen from all mainstream sources. Altho like his American counterpart, Pat Buchanan, I find his views distinctly distasteful, I can't say he is any more objectionable than Jospin and the French left. He has dabbled with free markets and in practice seems less anti-semitic than Jospin and cronies. He may try appealing to the remaining blue collar french left with some success. The danger lies not so much with Le Pen as with whether Chirac tries to accomodate the socialist establishment, as opposed to addressing some of the legit law and order concerns of the Le Penites and thereby marginalize them. Actually, it seems like France is screwed regardless. Can you imagine, two parties of the "right" and still no appreciation of free markets.

Posted by at April 24, 2002 11:05 AM

Vive Le Idiots!!! The French, what a group of hypocritical, arrogant knuckleheads. It is a shame that we give them any lip service whatsoever. A country that has rolled over twice and slept with their enemy (so they say) does not deserve my respect or any other person's respect. I do believe LaFayette is rolling over in his grave.

Posted by Mike Gonzalez at April 26, 2002 01:11 PM

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