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O'Reilly Confusion

O'Reilly opened up his show with a poll that showed that while 66% of Americans thought we were winning the war in January, now only 40% do.

Not surprising to me but I think that his diagnosis was utterly wrong.

He said that it was because we a) hadn't captured Osama and b) we were still getting terrorist threats.

Those may be factors, but I think he missed the biggest one.

We have quit fighting the war.

Even if the White House and the State Department don't seem to recognize it, I think that many Americans are smart enough to know that when you tell Israel to negotiate with terrorists, and when you allow these delaying tactics in Israel and in Kashmir to put things on hold, and when you have leaks from the Pentagon saying that the brass doesn't think they can handle Iraq, and when the President says that he doesn't have a plan to invade Iraq, and there's no hint as to the urgency of changing the regime there, and when everyone except the White House can see that Riyadh is not a friend, but an enemy, it's no wonder that many think we're losing the war.

What's amazing to me is that forty percent still think we're winning it.

Posted by Rand Simberg at May 31, 2002 05:32 PM
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You're right, or maybe we've simply scaled back our warfighting. our collective heart isn't into the war. I think part of the reason is that our enemy is poorly defined. Maybe our leaders should tell it like it is, and announce that the enemy is actually a significant portion of the Islamic world.... not exactly the PC thing to be saying.

Posted by oceanguy at May 31, 2002 06:29 PM

I am only hoping that Bush is biding his time while we rebuild and reinforce before we say hello again to Saddam. Otherwise, he'll show himself to be truly his father's son.

Posted by Bill Peschel at May 31, 2002 07:14 PM

Oceanguy, great point!

Go figure, Muslim terrorism is commited by Muslim terrorists! wow!!!!

Why can't we just call this spade a spade?

Posted by DocZen at June 3, 2002 09:22 AM

Because you might offend a shovel.

Seriously, our president needs to go back to Sept. 12th where he recognized good and evil for what it is instead of trying to see the world through Clintonian-colored (grey) glasses.

Posted by Johnny R. Call at June 6, 2002 10:34 AM

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