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Rall The News That's Fit To Read

I hadn't heard from Ted Rall, lately. It's nice to know that some things never change, though--it provides a little rock of stability in an ocean of uncertainty.

Here's his most recent raving advertisement of his apparently irredeemable imbecility.

Now it's official. Bush is Ariel Sharon's bitch.

Assuming that he means that in the family-web-site, female dog sense (usually a lousy assumption with Mr. Rall), which would make you what, Ted? An insignificant flea? Or a tick? Or some other parasite on the body politic?

George W. Bush dangled the possibility of American support for the creation of a Palestinian state on the West Bank in exchange for Arafat's ouster: "Peace requires a new and different Palestinian leadership so that a Palestinian state can be born," he said on June 24. Presumably that "new leadership" would be friendly to both American and Israeli interests.

Well, actually, what we'd like to see is a government that is friendly to the Palestinians' interests. The present one has done 'em wrong.

Fortunately, that would be congruent with the interests of Israel and America as well.

After decades of abstention, the United States is back in the coup d'état business.

Well, no, Teddy, not exactly. A coup d'etat is a situation in which a government is overthrown violently. All Bush said is that until there's someone over there that will deal in good faith, he's going to ignore the problem. Hardly a coup--just common sense (I explain this because I know that both coups and common sense are concepts with which you're apparently unacquainted).

Of course, next, he manages to reiterate his ongoing delusion that the current Administration is illegitimate.

The administration rigged Afghanistan ( news - web sites)'s loya jirga to install ex-Unocal executive Hamid Karzai as the head of a nation where few people had ever heard of him. It converted former Taliban cabana boy Gen. Pervez Musharraf into our wholly-owned Pakistani subsidiary. And it owes its own existence to the first successful domestic coup d'état in American history.


[Good stuff, man...]

You can't come up with this kind of thing on cheap Mexican grass. You really need high octane drugs. This man obviously runs on premium.

Arafat's undemocratic moderation has become both too strident for the West and too soft for his increasingly radicalized people. But he's all they've got.

"Undemocratic moderation"?

Is that like a benign dictatorship? Or jumbo shrimp? Or the brilliant Ted Rall?

And Ted, just who do you think it was that radicalized them?

Could it possibly have anything to do with all those martyr classes in the PA-run kindergartens? Or the schoolbooks that show Palestine sans Israel? Or the all-hate, all-the-time broadcasts from Palestinian radio?

And "he's all they got." Millions of Palestinians, and there's no one else there who could possible take on the role of leading the people to civilization?

But just wait, it gets better.

He's the Palestinians' George Washington, a military leader striving to carve out a state which will someday stamp his googly-eyed image on its coins and stamps.

Now, I have to admit, I did smile when I read that. And not just because of the hilarious joke about him being the Palestinians' GW (though it would be funnier if he'd use original material, instead of stealing it from second-rate Middle-Eastern comedians). The thought of mailing a letter bomb from Ramallah to Tel Aviv with a picture of Ol' Frogface on the upper right is a hoot.

One of the many irritating things about Mr. Rall is that you can just never tell when he's joking.

Getting rid of Arafat may be a good decision, but it has to be a Palestinian decision; neither the U.S. or Israel has the right to impose new leadership. Certainly neither country has the moral authority to do so.

Who said otherwise, Ted? The Palestinians will choose their leadership. And thus, they'll choose their fate, as do, ultimately, all nations who choose their leadership.

Posted by Rand Simberg at June 30, 2002 03:30 PM
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I'm sure that Mr. Rall would whole-heartedly agree that we lacked the moral authority to throw out Poor Mr. Adolf "GW of his people" Hitler, too.

Posted by Ken Summers at June 30, 2002 05:52 PM

Whatever Ted's having, it needs to be available for medicinal purposes. Yeahhhhhhhh...

Posted by Kevin McGehee at June 30, 2002 06:11 PM

Fruit loops like Rall use these sorts of tactics all the time, flipping an issue backwards. There should be no outcry about Bush's statement on Arafat, none. The U.S. is a sovereign country, it is our choice to decide what our relations with other countries are. To equate that to an active overthrow of a local government (coup d'etat) is simply preposterous. What's really funny is that the same people who complain about the U.S. refusing to support certain regimes, citing some sort of international responsibility of the U.S. to do so, are the self-same people who rise a hue and cry against the U.S. being the "world's policeman".

We're not, yet, actively trying to remove Arafat from power we are simply refusing to deal with him, this is a non-issue in that regard.

Posted by Robin Goodfellow at June 30, 2002 11:52 PM

Isn't there a way of talking about this guy without giving him google hits? How about calling him T3d R@ll?

Posted by The Sanity Inspector at July 1, 2002 07:07 AM

Quoth Ted Rall:

"Peace requires a new and different Palestinian leadership so that a Palestinian state can be born," he said on June 24. Presumably that "new leadership" would be friendly to both American and Israeli interests.

Huh? What exactly is the US meant to do? Agitate for a leadership that's hostile to US and Israeli interests? Cos it's like, you know, the will of the people?

In the Corner on NRO, Jonah Goldberg had this to say about another Grade-A, ocean-going, copper-bottomed numbskull:

This precisely the sort of person I think of when I use the phrase "pugnaciously stupid." It's the aggressive nature of his idiocy, the in-your-faceness of his Jackassery, that so offends me. [He] has that uncanny ability to articulate so eloquently ideas so dumb most of us don't know how to respond to them. My contempt is boundless.

Isn't that just Ted Rall in a nutshell?

Posted by David Gillies at July 1, 2002 02:39 PM

Thank God! you read such Bullshit because I can't get past the first paragraphs with out laughing so hard it hurts or getting ill.

Posted by Dr. Clausewitz at July 1, 2002 03:34 PM

Why bother about this moron Rall? It is obvious that the guy has the intelectual ability of a paper bag, and the moral compass of horny platapus. I see no reason to raise my blood pressure by three and a half points just because he insists on running around demonstrating to the world that his parents were more closely related than they thought. Life is too short to worry about what morons, much less blindlingly stubborn morons, think.

Posted by Robert Scott at July 1, 2002 04:42 PM

You know, I don't recall once Bush saying he was going to, all on his own, replace Arafat. Nor was he going to rely on Israel to do it. In fact, he never said Arafat would be forced out. He said, if the Palestinian people want a nation of their own, they need to pick new leadership that isn't co-opted by terrorism.

Seems reasonable to me -- you pick somebody we can work with and trust, we'll help you get what you want.

Posted by Howard Owens at July 1, 2002 07:47 PM

Close. It's not so much that his parents were too closely related as that his daddy left him when he was a kid. So now the whole world is his dad.

By the way, I keep from giving him Google hits by calling him "Tud Roil."

Posted by Jim at July 1, 2002 07:48 PM

Oh yeah, and if anybody still doesn't know about Roil's lawsuit against Danny Hellman:

Posted by Jim at July 1, 2002 07:50 PM

I especially enjoyed the George Washington line.
GW, who cannot tell a lie, and YA, who cannot tell the truth.

Posted by Stefan Sharkansky at July 2, 2002 12:17 AM

Great Piece. Yeh, when George Washington was done cutting down the cherry tree, he went and bombed the local royalist hang out.

In terms of the bitch reference, wasn't the piece written in San Fransisco?

Posted by Zb at July 2, 2002 08:56 AM

I believe the word 'fucktard' (and I wish I could give proper credit here) was invented just for this situation.

Posted by Cap'n Crunch at July 2, 2002 03:01 PM

I looked this guy up to see who he is. Apparently he was a honors graduate in History from Columbia. This not only speaks volumes about Columbia but it may be the best reason to attend the University of Texas I have ever seen.

Posted by Robert Scott at July 2, 2002 08:49 PM

"fucktard" originated at Or at least that's the first usage I ever ran across.

Posted by David Perron at July 4, 2002 08:43 PM

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