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Hello, Mary Robinson? Hello???

Apparently, Mugabe isn't content to merely starve his political opponents.

Posted by Rand Simberg at August 25, 2002 08:54 PM
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Okay, let's try this one more least this time, I THINK I'm at the right post!!

Rand, Rand, Rand...

Of course, you MUST realize that the more enlightened segments of society know that since Mugabe is (a) nonwhite and (b) Marxist-Leninist, he is therefore imbued with limitless virtue!

Posted by Jeff at August 25, 2002 10:06 PM

If it can't be twisted in such a fashion that it is the responsibility or fault of the US or Isreal, she'll (and Noam, Sontag, and their ilk) will have nothing to say.

"Move along, nothing to see here."

Posted by addison at August 26, 2002 12:24 PM

You don't understand.

The anti-poverty folks have said that we need to reduce the number of people who are living on less than $1/day.

Mugabe is doing his part.

Posted by Andy Freeman at August 26, 2002 12:58 PM


Then you're not reading the right sites. The US is to blame because we're holding Mugabe up to a different set of standards. We apparently didn't condemn the previous white government for doing exactly the same thing (rotsa ruck finding when they did the same thing, but that's so pedantic).

Most importantly, Mugabe is a genuine revolutionary hero! The same way that the Left pretty much refused to recognize the atrocities of Stalin, Mao, and Kim Il-Sung when they were in power, or made excuses for them, be assured that few Left-wingers will actually have the temerity to question a genuine Black Liberationist as a despot. No matter HOW many he kills/rapes/abuses.

In the grand scheme of Left-isms, being Left trumps abusing your own people, engaging in genocide, anti-gay discrimination, rape-as-tool, etc.

Long live the Revolution!

Posted by Dean at August 27, 2002 07:42 AM

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