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A food inspector in Salt Lake City told a restaurant that made four-egg quiches that they were unhealthy, because an FDA study indicated that one of every four eggs contains salmonella. She proposed that they only use three eggs, thus saving customers from the deadly fourth one.

The manager on duty wondered aloud if simply throwing out three eggs from each dozen and using the remaining nine in four-egg-quiches would serve the same purpose.

The inspector wasn't sure, but she said she would research it.

Now don't you folks up in Salt Lake City feel safer?

This reminds me of the story about the guy who, after hearing that most auto accidents occur within twenty-five miles of home, moved away.

Posted by Rand Simberg at October 16, 2002 03:31 PM
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or the guy who when asked if he wanted his pizza cut in 6 or 8 pieces said 6 because he didn't think he could eat 8?

Posted by MarkD at October 16, 2002 04:57 PM

It's an old joke, but I actually heard a woman more than 40 years ago (the mother of a friend) say it as if she meant it: (She was the mother of 11) "I would've liked to have an even dozen, but then Ralph (her husband) read in the Reader's Digest that every 12th person born speaks Chinese, and I don't want any children I can't understand." A very lovely lady, but dotty.

Posted by JorgXMcKie at October 16, 2002 05:25 PM

In the same vein ... the OLD joke by David Frost, from around 1965 on That Was The Week That Was: "Time magazine reported last week that one personout of every four today is a Chinese communist. Remember THAT the next time you see the Beatles!"

Posted by Mike G. at October 16, 2002 08:36 PM

Yes, and then there was that guy who always took a bomb with himself anywhere he had to fly to because he knew it was probabilistically impossible to find two bombs in the same airplane.

Posted by nelson ascher at October 17, 2002 01:39 AM

Y'know mebbe the gummint's HR wonks' refusal to recognize my abilities and qualifications is a good thing...

Posted by John S Allison at October 17, 2002 06:51 AM

The comedian Gallagher had a line about one out of three people: "Look at the person on your left. Now look at the person on your right. If it ain't them, guess what?"

Posted by Ken Summers at October 17, 2002 07:09 AM

The comedian Gallagher had a line about one out of three people: "Look at the person on your left. Now look at the person on your right. If it ain't them, guess what?"

Posted by Ken Summers at October 17, 2002 07:09 AM

Well hell. I guess it was me...dammit.

Posted by Ken Summers at October 17, 2002 07:10 AM

My wife and I heard that 1 of every three children born today is Chinese, so we stopped at two.

Posted by Hugh Buchanan at October 17, 2002 10:55 AM

If a lamb is a ram, and a donkey's an ass....why is a ram in the ass a goose?

Posted by at October 19, 2002 06:25 PM

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