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Some on the left have commented sarcastically that the Bush administration plans a state-run health-care system for Iraq, though they won't allow one here.

Now, it appears that even though Americans aren't allowed to have "assault weapons" (at least until the prohibition sunsets next year), the Iraqis will be allowed to keep theirs.

Posted by Rand Simberg at June 01, 2003 02:36 PM
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"much heavier weapons that would be prohibited to most people: machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, shoulder-fired missiles, antiaircraft guns, mortars, land mines and grenades."

I know a few people with rather large gun safes for their collections of vintage long-guns and other hunting accoutrement, and I know how unwieldy those safes can be. Most of the items listed, such as RPGs and mortars, might fit into a standard gun safe or under the floorboards of a house. But where/how exactly is one supposed to store or hide an anti-aircraft gun?

Posted by John at June 1, 2003 05:05 PM

Although it seems, according to MSNBC, the current gun amnesty isn't proving all that effective for some strange reason.

Posted by Dave at June 2, 2003 04:32 AM

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