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The Beginning?

Protestors in Tehran are being fired upon with automatic weapons, according to Reuters.

I guess whatever gun control Iran has didn't keep it out of the hands of the pro-mullah thugs.

Posted by Rand Simberg at June 13, 2003 01:54 PM
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Is the President going to do something to help? Or is our Iran policy hostage to the appeasers in Foggy Bottom?

Posted by Joshua Chamberlain at June 13, 2003 02:17 PM

That one has to be played carefully. It would be much preferable for it to be a totally indigenous revolt, so whatever emerges isn't seen as another "US puppet" in the region.

Posted by Rand Simberg at June 13, 2003 03:12 PM

One sad thing is that some of the protestors/revolutionaries are sending e-mail to the BBC, asking for US help.

It would be sadder if they sent the same e-mail to the US State Department.

Posted by Andy Freeman at June 15, 2003 05:20 PM

Rand, I think it would be better that we helped, at the risk of antagonizing Iranian nationalists, than not help, at the risk of the revolution being crushed and having to live with a nuclear armed Islamic Republic for the next few years.

The real problem is not that the State Department wants to help, but is afraid of the political consequences. The problem is that the State Department is unalterably opposed to helping.

Posted by Joshua Chamberlain at June 16, 2003 08:57 AM

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