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Nomination Race Over?

I see that Kerry is winning TN and VA today, which makes his eventual ascendancy almost inevitable. It looks like Terry McAuliffe got his wish for an early candidate.

He should have been careful what he wished for. I find it amusing that, in their rush to find someone "electable," the Donks are nominating someone who hasn't yet demonstrated an ability to take a punch, since all of the other candidates were beating up on each other instead of him.

It will be interesting to see the Bush strategy--whether they start hammering him soon, let it dribble out over the next eight months, or save the good stuff for the fall. Certainly, from the war-criminal accusations, the Jane Fonda love fest, the throwing someone else's medal over the White House fence, the contradictory votes, the faux populism, the hypocrisy on special interests, the "Do you know who I am?"s, etc., there's a wealth of ammunition for Karl Rove to work with, as the economy improves and we shift responsibility for Iraq to the Iraqis through the summer and fall.

Posted by Rand Simberg at February 10, 2004 01:00 PM
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Where does he stand on the _important_ issues - on Space?

Posted by Brian at February 11, 2004 04:05 AM

Edwards would clearly have been a more difficult opponent. He is everything "Shrub" isn't -- articulate, positive, he has earned his own fortune through hard work as opposed to merely inheriting it, he is not particularly loathed by the opposition etc..

His only major weakness seems to be his lack of political experience. So what? The current President isn't exactly the world's most experienced politician either. And Edwards' lack of a track record would only make it harder for Rove & co. to accurately focus their $200-million hate machine on him.

In contrast, Kerry would make a great VP thanks to his experience and gravitas. Candidates like him never manage to upset an incumbent POTUS, though -- only sunny populists (Carter, Reagan, Clinton) have managed this feat.


Posted by Marcus Lindroos at February 11, 2004 04:21 AM

Well Clark's out of it now, and if Edwards can make it into him vs. Kerry he may still have a shot. I think that Edwards has enough charisma to pull it off in Nov.

Posted by David Mercer at February 11, 2004 01:41 PM

It's interesting that the argument for Kerry is "the most likely to beat Bush".

I don't know about other people, but my vote will go to the person who is going to do the best for the US. Beating Bush or helping Bush simply isn't an issue.

Posted by Andy Freeman at February 11, 2004 07:39 PM

Edwards is a lawyer and comes across as one. While Bush's interview with Russett wasn't great. The last interview Edwards had with Russett Edwards was left bleeding on the floor.
Some speculate he would not carry his own state in the general election and may not have won relection as Senator if he ran for that job which he is not.

Posted by Dr. Clausewitz at February 12, 2004 05:45 PM

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