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Reagan Was Right Again

Steve Hayward has unearthed a nice quote from Reagan's sixties debate with Bobby Kennedy:

One of my favorite bits of this exchange was the rhetorical question Reagan asked about America’s brief monopoly of nuclear weapons in the 1940s: “Can you honestly say that had the Soviet Union been in a comparable position with that bomb, or today’s Red Chinese, that the world would not today have been conquered with that force?”

Winston Churchill said this in 1948: “What do you suppose would be the position this afternoon had it been Communist Russia instead of free enterprise America which had created the atomic weapon? Instead of being a somber guarantee of peace it would have become an irresistible method of human enslavement.”

Of course, to listen to the loony left and anti-globos, that's exactly what happened, with Amerikkka running the world.

Posted by Rand Simberg at June 09, 2004 08:26 AM
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Yes the bourgeoise have ensalved us all!!

Posted by Hefty at June 9, 2004 10:17 AM

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