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Can't Go All The Way

I couldn't avoid watching Kerry's speech. I switched to Fox to watch a Simpsons rerun, but it was on every channel.

It was mostly platitudes, as expected. My summary of Kerry's foreign policy (which, assuming that the economy continues to improve, will be the main campaign issue): We will go to all lengths to avoid war, and we will only do so if we can get the French on board.

My recommendation for Karl Rove: We will go to all lengths to avoid another September 11th.

Posted by Rand Simberg at July 29, 2004 08:23 PM
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I missed a Simpson's Re-run?


Posted by Mike Puckett at July 29, 2004 08:46 PM

Did you note the weird contradictions? The failure to make real policy choices? Kerry promises NO CUTS of social security benefits, yet he also promised pay as you go balanced budgets! Kerry promised a positive unifying campaign, while complaining that the other side lies and seeks division. Sheesh!

Short version of Kerry speech policy promises -- "we will reward our friends, such as seniors, teachers, and the French while we will punish our enemies such as anyone who earns more than 200,000 a year."

Posted by Brad at July 29, 2004 08:50 PM

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