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All Is Explained

I've been wondering how the Kerry campaign could have used such poor judgement over the past few weeks. We now have an answer--the candidate is in charge.

“There were several conference calls and a couple of meetings. Everyone was screaming. I would consider it the low point of the campaign,” our source told us. “By taking the Vets on, John Kerry thinks he’s demonstrating bravery. But it’s a horrible mistake, politically.”

Kerry also battled with his lawyers all week, insisting they distribute threatening letters to bookstores. According to our source, the Kerry legal team thought this, too, would be a mistake with a big risk of backfire.

“Look, bookstores aren’t going to stop selling this book because John Kerry wants them to,” our source told us. “From what I understand, John Kerry made the lawyers send these letters out. Kerry ordered it personally! I mean, we just look desperate.”

Our source also told us that several political advisors argued strenuously against threatening the bookstores and television stations, again fearing they would simply draw attention to the charges.

Oh, yeah, I want him as CinC. And as much as people whine about Ashcroft, can you imagine what the state of civil liberties and free speech would be with this guy running the country?

Posted by Rand Simberg at August 23, 2004 08:50 AM
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Tracked: August 26, 2004 08:55 PM

Can anybody point to the text of a letter to the bookstores?

Posted by at August 23, 2004 09:10 AM

I looked for quite awhile.

I found a letter to the TV Stations warning them that the SBVFT ad would be considered libel:

The other reference was to 'Brown Books' compiled on the SBVFT outlining each with an eye to discrediting them. Much like a lawyer would prepare for any hostile witness. I didn't find any of the material in there either.


Posted by Al at August 23, 2004 03:43 PM

Mr. Simberg;

An alternative explanation is that the insiders are preparing to desert a sinking ship and they're laying off the blame in way that preserves their careers, regardless of who made the actual decisions.

Posted by Annoying Old Guy at August 23, 2004 03:59 PM

"Like rats, leaving a sinking ship..."

No, I didn't say that. Did YOU say that? We didn't say that. Are they acting like that? Huh? Who?

Justa minnit... gotta answer the phone...

Posted by Sharps Shooter at August 25, 2004 07:19 AM

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