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The long delay between posts had nothing to do with conditions; it was the normal one that occurs almost every night as I sleep. We've stokd up on canned goods, water, batteries, fuel, and other necessities. Last night was the time to stok up on slumber, because we may not get another chance at it until late Sunday. Fortunately, the storm didn't disturb us, though I heard a few gale blasts about 7 AM.

It's relatively quiet right now. Trees are blowing, but not hard, and it's not raining much. Based on the forecasts, I don't expect that to last long. Fortunately for us (and unfortunately for many others), it continues to head further north. If it makes landfall near the current prediction (up near Melbourne or Fort Pierce), we'll get off pretty easy in Boca, all things considered, even if it restrengthens this afternoon and evening. Most of the storm surge (our biggest fear) will occur to the north of the storm, and most of the winds we get will be from the north and west.

I don't know how much longer I'll be blogging, but at this point, if I quit, it will be because I no longer can (most likely due to power out--the battery's shot in my laptop), not because I'm voluntarily unconscious.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Whoops. Wrote too soon. The wind is picking up now. And there are a couple crazy people out driving down the street.

Posted by Rand Simberg at September 04, 2004 06:53 AM
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Bring back that sunny day--
Excerpt: Well, the sun goes in, the sun goes out... It's stopped raining for now and the sun is half out. I turned on the tv to see where the storm was but I'm getting tired of the hysterical "OMG the wind is teh scarey!" commentary so I think I'll change ...
Weblog: Twisted Spinster
Tracked: September 4, 2004 10:48 AM

CNN is showing live video of a guy surfing off Pompano Beach. The announcer was saying that rescue workers hate to see that.

I say "The heck with him"

Why should the Coast Guard or Fire Department risk their lives for some thrill seeking moron.
Help the guy if you can do so safely, but take no risks.

Then arrest him. ;-)

Posted by Bill White at September 4, 2004 08:51 AM

Bill White: As a rescue squad volunteer (before that, fire department), I'm with you.

When Isabel came through Virginia last year, the Fire Chief in Virginia Beach had it announced early and often that, at a certain point, 911 calls would go unanswered, as he wasn't going to get his people (paid and volunteer) killed. He drove around as the storm became worse, and he did make the decision that, at this point, no units would leave their stations. People had had plenty of warning, and plenty of time to get out. (As far as I know, no one died because of the decision, but if they had, it would have been their fault, not the fault of emergency services.)

Rand - hang in there. Hope the worst passes you all by.

Posted by Barbara Skolaut at September 4, 2004 02:03 PM

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