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Space Flip Flops

No, that's not the footwear inside a space hotel--it's more vacillation and issue straddling from the Kerry campaign, this time in the person of Lori Garver, his space advisor. Keith Cowing (a Kerry supporter) has the story. And as Jeff Foust points out, this just demonstrates how unimportant space is as a political issue, even to strong space supporters like Keith--despite the fact that a Kerry presidency would probably be disastrous on the issue, he remains a Kerry supporter, due to other issues that he thinks more critical.

Posted by Rand Simberg at October 20, 2004 05:56 AM
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Oh I know - this is the one issue that makes it so difficult to choose who to vote for in my opinion. I totally agree with the Bush's exploration initiative and can't stand Kerry's space vision or lack thereof. On the other hand being an avid NORML supporter I likewise can't stand Bush's stance on the War on Drugs and can't really say if I support Kerry's stance since he hasn't really indicated what that could be either way but to methat is still better then Bush's position. I've read other oped's that seem to indicate that Kerry would ease up consideribly on the War on Drugs but just isn't saying anything to specific so as to not upset the moderate conservatives.

I was going to vote Nader as sort of a vote of no confidence. However being that I'm in Texas there is no Nader vote so Kerry will serve just as well. As they say, the best way to vote is just to think about all the topics that you have a opinion on and then just pick the one that matters the most to you and then vote accordingly.

Posted by Josh "Hefty" Reiter at October 21, 2004 07:12 AM

"As they say, the best way to vote is just to think about all the topics that you have a opinion on and then just pick the one that matters the most to you and then vote accordingly."

I agree.
I also agree with your position re legalization of drugs and oppose Bush on many 'social' issues. However, I am voting for Bush for 2 fundamental reasons. First, national security, without which all other points are moot. And 2nd, tax cuts and spending. Although Bush is a profligate spender, compared to an ultra-liberal Dem in the WH, he spends less. Plus if we fail on national security (issue 1) and get a city whacked, the economy goes down the tubes (issue 2).


Posted by phil at October 21, 2004 07:32 AM

Well, here in Texas you can always vote for the Libertarian candidate Michael Badnarik. On the ballot in 48 states. A constitutional scholar who apparently managed to get himself arrested trying to deliver an Arizona state court document to the presidential debate.

Or you can just listen to what the media tells you to do. (or doesn't, such as overlooking the fact that a Presidential candidate in 48 states got arrested [or at least detained]).

Posted by ken murphy at October 21, 2004 06:57 PM

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