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A Truly Amazing Comment

Over at Kevin Drum's place (Kevin's post is worth a read, too--I may respond to it later if I get time):

Totalitarianism is right here, right up in each of our faces every minute of every day. It is the Republican Party, and not a moment's thought or effort can be diverted from fighting it until it has been destroyed without trace. This will take three generations, and will leave the country with one third the population and one ten-thousandth the economy that it has today.

Then the country must be rebuilt. That will take a further six generations.

THEN, perhaps, we may once more indulge in the [very great and irresponsible] luxury of wondering what is going on elsewhere in the world. But not before.

Hmmm...well, you know what Stalin said about omelettes and eggs.

Posted by Rand Simberg at December 03, 2004 08:08 AM
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In order to avoid totalitarianism, all dissent MUST BE SUPPRESSED and all dissenters eliminated, even to the point of massacaring 33% of America's population and hunting dissention down throuth the third generation.
Only in this way can fascism be avoided and freedom be assured.

WHY am I not suprised that this came from Kevin Drum's site?

Posted by DaveP. at December 3, 2004 08:17 AM

If a civil war is anticipated, my money would be on the growth and kinetic team.

At least the other team isn't repeating the perceived Bush administration mistake of insufficient planning for the post-war situation.

Posted by Sam Dinkin at December 3, 2004 08:46 AM


I'm looking forward to any response to Kevin Drum's that you care to make.

The loon quoted is an example of what I call pathological leftism. The man clearly doesn't face reality.

Yes, I can see things in politics today that are worrisome -- and might even lead, over the long haul, to totalitarianism. But too many of us -- right, left, middle, whatever -- recognize these things and their consequences. We're working to address these problems. That, plus the real world failings of totalitarian movements, should suffice to keep us basically free and democratic.

Posted by Chuck Divine at December 3, 2004 10:27 AM

Oy, you contemplate a response? You're a better man than I, Gunga Din. Just thinking about fisking Drum's honey-wagon load of ADD historical free-association makes me want to hang myself from sheer boredom.

I blame it on the left-dominated educational establishment's decades-long insistence that dates and events and boring stuffy facts about history are simply unnecessary obstructions to getting one's head up in the right place (round about the appendix) where you can see that what's essential about history is the proper appreciation for it's grand narrative sweep -- the beautiful made for Hollywood story, so to speak -- and an ability to re-interpret the entrails of same to suit any arbitrary kind of post-modern contextualist argumentoid.

Posted by Carl Pham at December 3, 2004 12:31 PM

I'm beginning to believe that the greatest threat to our nation is not a specific external enemy so much as a growing and crippling descent into fantasy worlds by our people. It used to be there was just a small number of people, usually harmless elderly women, who might stop an actor in the street to request medical advice because that person portrayed a doctor on TV. But now it appears we have tens of millions of voting citizens completely absorbed within a fantasy world and incapable of dealing with reality. I think this process has alway been with us but really picked up steam when the Left's grossly distorted version of events surrounding the Vietnam War became the official version depicted on TV and film.

Posted by Eric Pobirs at December 3, 2004 02:32 PM

I wonder how much military experience Frank Whiliot (aka the idiot!) has? Or how many firearms his uber-left wing clown-ass owns? Or how much training and practice he has and does with them?

He thinks he is one day going to walk into a gunstore, buy something with a barrel on it and become the instant Bizzaro-Rambo, sweaping the capitalist swine from before him with great aplomb!

Hey Frank, you are going to have to do your homework if you are going to make soap or a lampshade out of me! I have done mine already!

Posted by at December 3, 2004 04:31 PM

I claim ownership of the above post.

Posted by Mike Puckett at December 3, 2004 04:32 PM

Drum wrote: "Sure, 9/11 was a wakeup call, but in the three years since then what's happened that's the equivalent of even a single one of the events described above?"

Nearly 3000 people dead just a "wakeup call." Drum and people like him are despicable. I hope they stick to their so-called principles so Republicans continue to win elections.

Posted by Jim C. at December 3, 2004 05:45 PM

Forgive the obscenity, but are these clowns effing nuts?

(Yeah, yeah - I know. Rhetorical question.)

I think Kevie needs to up his meds. Or just take the ones he already has.

Posted by Barbara Skolaut at December 4, 2004 05:27 PM

"It used to be there was just a small number of people, usually harmless elderly women, who might stop an actor in the street to request medical advice because that person portrayed a doctor on TV. But now it appears we have tens of millions of voting citizens completely absorbed within a fantasy world and incapable of dealing with reality." - Eric Pobirs

So true!

Posted by Leland at December 6, 2004 08:20 AM

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