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Michelle On The Case

Michelle Malkin isn't letting up on the idiots running the TSA. She's got lots of anonymous letters of support from Air Marshals.

This is citizen reporting at its finest, and she wouldn't have been able to get the word out like this before the internet. I've been concerned ever since September 11 that it would be used as an excuse for bureaucrats (and in this case, vindictive, petty bureaucrats) to aggrandize power and build little tyrannical fiefdoms that have little or nothing to do with actually defending the country. This is a prime example of that. Let's get the word out, and maybe we can put enough pressure on so that even this White House will realize how foolish this is. I'd like to see this clown transferred here, where he can guard airplanes in his suit and tie.

I wish we'd had better choices last month.

Posted by Rand Simberg at December 23, 2004 08:56 AM
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Let me tell you a close to home TSA idiot story.

A relative flew from east coast to west last weekend. We called an Un-named airline ahead of time to see what help they could get with 2 kids one under 2 months old. They told the person come to the ticket counter and help would be provided.

They got help getting to the screening area, then the help was told he could go no further. This was an airline employee, helping an airline customer. I thought the employees had clearances and ID to go anywhere in the airport?

Then the TSA morons told my relative to take the baby OUT of the front sling carrier he was in. They refused to help do this and then told the flier to hurry, that they were holding up the process. The 6 y/o traveler stepped up to the plate and helped get them through the screening area. My question is, why was the airline employee, who was tasked with giving this assistance, told to leave? I wasn't aware that TSA now RAN the airline or could tell the airline employees what to do or where to go. Or that they could deny their customers any normal service.

We called the airline and were informed that TSA calls the dance and names the music.

My opinion, what a bunch of crap!!

I an age when we subsidized the airlines to stay afloat, we have a government agency denying the customers of those same airlines services they paid for. Our tax dolaars ensuring that we get bad servive.

Just for the tally, this is a 23 year old women with blond hair, blue eyes and has kids who look the same. Is that the "profile" of our chief terrorists? NO!! IT IS NOT!!! Everyone is so afraid of racial profiling that we are REVERSE profiling, which will ensure we never catch all these islamofascists.

TSA another bad idea, made worse in the governments hands.

Posted by Steve at December 23, 2004 10:08 AM

I have heard from a FOAF, who's spent their entire adult life working for various Govt. agencies in DC that Homeland Security is the most pointless bureaucracy she's ever seen, with the most pointless politicking and infighting she's experienced.

And after that huge fight with congress to keep HSA from being a union shop (which I agreed with) I wonder how many people have been fired due to poor performance or decision-making? My guess would be somewhere near zero.

Posted by Eric at December 23, 2004 11:13 AM

The most depressing news is that President Bush is keeping Sec. Transportation Norm Mineta, who is the one responsible for all of the problems at TSA.

Posted by DBL at December 30, 2004 04:28 PM

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