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Big News

I know that those of you who've been getting all of your Iraq news from the MSM will find this shocking, but there is political progress there. I'm actually shocked that the WaPo finally finds it newsworthy.

Posted by Rand Simberg at December 08, 2005 06:41 AM
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Are these stories of political progress just more propaganda being planted about the globe by our esteemed military-industrial-political complex? Iraq is a quagmire, a stupid and immoral war started by a stupid and immoral administration.

Posted by X@X,.org at December 8, 2005 06:52 PM

Are these stories of political progress just more propaganda being planted about the globe by our esteemed military-industrial-political complex? Iraq is a quagmire, a stupid and immoral war started by a stupid and immoral administration.

Posted by X at December 8, 2005 06:52 PM

Are these stories of political progress just more propaganda being planted about the globe by our esteemed military-industrial-political complex? Iraq is a quagmire, a stupid and immoral war started by a stupid and immoral administration.

Which is constantly bashed by ignorant BJ in the oval office power sluts like the esteemed Clinton administration. Iraq is a slow process, sort of like your thought process. It takes time to allow a people to come out from under oppression (like your mother locking you in the closet so many times.) and take control of their own destiny. They are responding admirably. This is of course, what ticks you off. The people of an oppressed society (which you say you support the downtrodden) are taking successful action to model their future. Better get used to it, the democracy bomb was dropped in the middle east and will do a lot more in the long run than shooting a few missiles whenever the polls are low.

Posted by Mac at December 9, 2005 05:55 AM

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