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Who's Living In A Bubble, Again?

Mark Steyn describes the Dems' Iraqi quagmire:

The Iraq election's over, the media did their best to ignore it, and, judging from the rippling torsos I saw every time I switched on the TV, the press seem to reckon that that gay cowboy movie was the big geopolitical event of the last week, if not of all time. Yes, yes, I know: They're not, technically, cowboys, they're gay shepherds, but even Hollywood isn't crazy enough to think it can sell gay shepherds to the world. And the point is, even if I was in the mood for a story about two rugged insecure men who find themselves strangely attracted to each other in a dark transgressive relationship that breaks all the rules, who needs Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger when you've got Howard Dean and Abu Musad al-Zarqawi? Yee-haw! And, if that sounds unfair, pick almost any recent statement by a big-time Dem cowboy and tell me how exactly it would differ from the pep talks Zarqawi gives his dwindling band of head-hackers -- Dean arguing that America can't win in Iraq, Barbara Boxer demanding the troops begin withdrawing on Dec. 15, John Kerry accusing American soldiers of terrorizing Iraqi women and children, Jack Murtha declaring that the U.S. Army is utterly broken. Pepper 'em with a handful of "Praise be to Allahs" and any one of those statements could have been uttered by Zarqawi.

The Democratic Party have contrived to get themselves into a situation where bad news from Iraq is good for them and good news from Iraq is bad for them. And as there's a lot more good news than bad these days, that puts them, politically, in a tough spot -- even with a fawning media that, faced with Kerry and Murtha talking what in any objective sense is drivel, decline to call for the men with white coats but instead nod solemnly and wonder whether Bush is living "in a bubble."


Posted by Rand Simberg at December 18, 2005 06:20 AM
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Excerpt: Quote from an editorial by Mark Steyn: Dean arguing that America can't win in Iraq, Barbara Boxer demanding the troops begin withdrawing on Dec. 15, John Kerry accusing American soldiers of terrorizing Iraqi women and children, Jack Murtha declaring th...
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Tracked: December 19, 2005 08:59 AM

To my chagrin, I have noticed the same phenomenon. The democrats--my democrats--have bought into defeat, have mortgaged the house and all the property to buy into defeat. What kind of american attitude is that? It sounds more european to me. That is truly old world thinking on the part of my democrats. I surely hope before the next election that they reconsider their geographical foundations.

Posted by Manolis at December 18, 2005 04:45 PM

Whoo. . . talk about a smackdown.

Excellent read. Thanks for sharing.

Posted by Dave G at December 18, 2005 04:51 PM

It is very disappointing that the formerly great democratic party has fallen so very far. I really don't like a lot of things that the repubs are doing but the democrats are a threat to our very nation's continued existence. This level of delusion is not healthy because we do need new ideas that the repubs aren't buying into and that the democrats could gain much leverage from.

We need a fundamental reformation of the democratic party or its relevance to our nation and its future will be nil.


Posted by Dennis Wingo at December 18, 2005 06:31 PM

I think the delusion is from a different source. I think its more a pair of horse blinders than anything else. The Dems have forced themselves into seeing things in only one way, the way that they think makes the Repubs look bad.

My father (Rush conservative) and I (fiscal conservative, social liberal) sometimes agree on is the simple fact that we NEED separate sides of issues to make this country work. If the Repubs ran everything the way they wanted to, this country would tank as surely as if the Dems ran everything. Its the discussion and debate of the issues that make this country great, IMHO. Right now, there is only discussion of issues from one side, the other side is steeped in hatred. That is not a healthy mix. If the Dems could see that debated issues with facts win elections, they would be a force again.

Posted by Mac at December 19, 2005 11:04 AM

Somewhere between Dennis and Mac, we have a major problem with the opportunity of choices in US politics. The only hopeful sign for the Democrats is that the Republicans managed to overhaul their party not that long ago. Let's hope Dems do the same before the Republican changes become out dated.

Posted by Leland at December 19, 2005 01:27 PM

unshjfxei cqps mxdosqwi fqhs adnohime aigkznl qydnx

Posted by zrow gpshzq at December 3, 2006 06:35 AM

unshjfxei cqps mxdosqwi fqhs adnohime aigkznl qydnx

Posted by zrow gpshzq at December 3, 2006 06:36 AM

unshjfxei cqps mxdosqwi fqhs adnohime aigkznl qydnx

Posted by zrow gpshzq at December 3, 2006 06:37 AM

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