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Good Guys And Bad Guys

Tibor Machan writes that Hollywood only finds villains nuanced when they're anti-American:

Let us not forget that most of the writers and producers in Hollywood -- the ones who make a quintessential American institution, namely, business, look so terrible in their various vehicles -- are politically sympathetic with the Left. They have been that for a long time. (Even today, after the true nature of communists has been clearly demonstrated -- based on, among other things, KGB and similar archives -- there is still far more hostility shown from much of Hollywood against Joe McCarthy than against Joe Stalin -- for instance, in George Clooney's movie, "Good Night and Good Luck".)

No, there is no sudden discovery of subtlety and complexity within the minds of evil people by Hollywood writers and producers. Rather what we have here is apologetics, plain and simple. The folks who put out this stuff just cannot work up a genuine disgust of terrorists because, well, most of the terrorists share their anti-American point of view. That seems to suffice for them to place most terrorism -- which, one must keep in mind, consists primarily of killing people who are innocent, among them civilians and many children, and whose only "crime" is to be Americans or Westerners, meaning, they belong to the tribe the terrorists want to wipe out -- into a sympathetic light.

Posted by Rand Simberg at March 02, 2006 07:50 PM
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AND we can't use any real ethnically correct villains in movies because we might hurt someone’s feelings.

Many Middle Eastern people were angry at the movie The Siege. There was a huge outcry from Arab groups here in the U.S. that they were ALL being portrayed as "bad guys". Hey I'm an effing Italian and I effing don't write to effing HBO because Tony Soprano is acts like an effing murdering thug. I just fugetaboudit.

The movie Sum of All Fears was changed from "Middle Eastern" terrorists, in the book, to non- descript terrorists, in the movie. I expect because we didn't want any Middle Eastern men between the ages of 15 and 50 mad at Hollyweird. They are a huge part of the movie going demographic, as we all have noticed at the multiplex.

Hollyweird movies, and TV too, portray the U.S. as an over indulgent, evil country inhabited by fat people who only want more. In Hollyweird dad is a bumbling boob, mom is the leader and the voice of reason and the kids are all cute but mischievous. Male teenagers are jocks and dumb or nerds and socially inept, just like dad. Female teenagers are sluttish or bookish, wanting to be blonde and sluttish. And isn't that the way things are in your house? I'll bet it's dead on. Hollyweird knows America. In a pigs eye!

All we really wish is to claim the world as our empire. Yeah that’s what Joe Average thinks as he's trying to figure out how to clothe, house and feed mom and the kids. If Jane Average works too, it’s her prime focus to support the empirical wishes of American foreign policy. In the pigs other eye!

All the anti-American rhetoric from a crowd of people who pride themselves on POWER breakfasts and lunches that cost $300 per plate. Movie producers can't drink Minute Maid, only hand picked Guatemalan organic orange juice at $50 a glass gets the brain really going. No over indulgence there. They flaunt their expensive and expansive lifestyles and assume they have their finger on the pulse of those of us they call "fly over".

They're using their finger all right. But it’s the middle one, aimed at what the majority of Americans think. To bad pigs only have two eyes!

Posted by Steve at March 3, 2006 08:36 AM

The thing is, there has to be a market for pro-american movies. What I do not understand is how come someone has not exploited that market.

Other than Mel Gibson of course and I am not sure what political stripe his next movie is going to be.

Or even a new TV show were the male lead is not some moron.

Posted by James Stephenson at March 3, 2006 12:14 PM

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