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"It's The Homos, Stupid!"

Howard Dean is still struggling to modulate his message for the Red States:

Despite what you may have heard on Fox News, we Democrats know what issues are on the minds of heartland conservatives like you. We know that your number one concern of is the safety of your children -- whether they are plucking their banjos on the back porch, speaking tongues to snakes at Jesus Camp, or torching crosses at your local Nascar racing contest. We also know that the number one threat to your children's safety is the scourge of international homo-ism. That's why we at the DNC have created "The Contract With American Hillbillies," a new multipoint investigation program to identify and root out conservative stealth homoism before it threatens you or your precious little inbreeds.

...And if their rampant homoism weren't enough, the GOP has further betrayed traditional conservatives by secretly nominating negros in races across the country. Yes, you read that correctly: actual negros. No matter how many times they try to hide the genetic truth from conservatives like you, GOP nominees like Michael Steele, Lynn Swann and Ken Blackwell are black as the ace of spades. Imagine the devastating impact on US property values if the world learns that more of those types have moved into the Congressional neighborhood.
...Are you fed up with the GOP's miscegenation and gay bathhouse shenanigans? I know we've had our differences in the past, but maybe it's time for conservatives like you to give Democrats a fresh new look. The Republicans like to talk about having a "big tent," but we at the DNC are actually taking concrete steps to bring conservatives back in the fold. Just look at our innovative Iraq quagmire withdrawal plan, which has earned the praise and endorsement of rock-ribbed, traditional American conservatives like Pat Buchanan, Fred Phelps, and David Duke.

Posted by Rand Simberg at October 23, 2006 08:24 AM
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Can we please, please, please stop calling these people 'conservatives'? The correct term is 'fundamentalist wackjob.'

Posted by Chris Mann at October 23, 2006 10:47 AM

The Republicans do indeed have a big tent. Who thought that it included gays and card carrying members of NAMBLA? Not me!

Posted by Larry Shaw at October 23, 2006 05:57 PM

You two do realize that iowahawk is writing satire, right?

Posted by Andrea Harris at October 23, 2006 06:57 PM

No, Andrea, I don't think they do. Maybe I need to put up such posts in a different typeface or font.

Posted by Rand Simberg at October 23, 2006 07:00 PM

Even using Times New Roman with the exquisite kerning will be insufficient to delineate truth from satire.

Posted by Al at October 23, 2006 07:58 PM

I'm not sure why Simberg puts this up, except to
engage in another episode of stooging for
the GOP.

The claims of being a libertarian fall short when
one looks at Simberg's neocon record of stooging
to the Republicans

Posted by anonymous at October 23, 2006 09:32 PM

Go buy some shoes Rand, you look like an idiot.

Posted by Chris Mann at October 23, 2006 09:44 PM

LOL. Mann oh Mann.... you should really be careful who you call idiot given your posting ample proof of your own idiocy.

Posted by Cecil Trotter at October 24, 2006 05:09 AM

"I'm not sure why Simberg puts this up, except to
engage in another episode of stooging for
the GOP."

I know why! Because it's his blog! If you don't like it, no one is holding a non-lethal implement of violence to your demonstrably empty head and forcing you to read it.

Posted by Mike Puckett at October 24, 2006 08:06 AM

Mike says: holding a non-lethal implement of violence to your demonstrably empty head

Cranial Air-conditioning is a beautiful thing. Even when satire is posted under the heading of humor, some people can't seem to understand. Reading the posts of those injured by humor is almost as amusing as the subject material they're responding to.

Posted by Mac at October 24, 2006 10:03 AM

I have two problems. Well, more than that, but I mean political problems.

There are many good, well-meaning folks who have no idea that Intersex conditions exist. Give them medical evidence, and they start quoting the Bible, or more often, just ignore you. Give them the medical evidence that Transsexuality is just "Congenital Neurological Intersex" and you get either quotes from Leviticus, or "God doesn't make mistakes" (ignoring the existence of all other congenital conditions, cleft palates etc). In any event, you're classified as some sort of Homo pre-vert, and all too often subject not to the threat, but the actuality of physical violence.

A real bummer if it's your family doing it. Beating you to a pulp. Preventing you from ever seeing your kids again.

That's problem #1

Problem #2 is when you go to a "support group", and you find that everyone else is a rabid Lefty. Not that the Left has ever actually done anything to help, but boy, can they mouth platitudes and promise (rather than deliver) support. You're congratulated on your "lifestyle choice" which is a bit like congratulating someone with paraplegia on their choice of being differently-abled, part of Life's glorious diversity, and to be celebrated etc etc.

But when it comes to election time, guess who gets sold down the river?

I've seen far too much of the behaviour that is satirised by Iowahawk. And it does no good asking either the left or the right difficult questions - like what does "homosexuality" mean to someone born with 47xxy (kleinfelter) chromosomes, rather than 46xx(female) or 46xy(male)? What about those 46xx men who have fathered children? Or the 46xy women who have born children? What about those with "ambiguous genitalia" who identify as men, or those who identify as women?

Posted by Zoe Brain at October 25, 2006 07:05 AM

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