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Keep Your Day Job, Maguire


Tell the base their votes won't be counted, then wonder why they won't vote - I will never be smart enough to be a Dem strategist.
Posted by Rand Simberg at October 28, 2006 12:59 PM
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“This notion that elections are stolen and that elections are rigged is so common in the public sphere that we’re having to go out of our way to counter them this year,” said Donna Brazile, a Democratic strategist.

This statement once again goes a long way toward proving that the Democrats are their own worst enemy. Mostly because they can't keep their stories straight, or at least, they rely on the voters memories being shorter than Clinton's willy. Ms. Brazile was one of the election 2000 howlers who stated at every opportunity that the election was stolen.

So now, if I read her right, her job is to prove that the job she did in 2000 and early 2001 and every day since was wrong. And every time all the left leaning talking heads said 2000 was a steal, and every time Al Gore screamed that he was lied to / about, they were all wrong. The election can't be / wasn't stolen. She is saying she / they were all wrong, but now they know how things REALLY work.

Well now I trust her opinion. I just didn't understand that when she said Bush stole the 2000 election, that what she really meant was it was a good count, real election and all above board and never was a stolen election. Basically an admission that GWB didn't steal anything?

Yeah, they believe that now, and monkeys might fly outta my.....

Posted by Steve at October 28, 2006 05:13 PM

It gets better. Hugo built our voting machines.

Posted by AdS at October 28, 2006 11:53 PM

I heard that, so is Hugo in league with Rove on the sly? Or are the liberals out to re-steal the White House?

Wait, I forgot, an election can't be stolen, but it was, wasn't it? No it wasn't, yeah it wasn't?

Maybe I'll just skip voting and go pitch pennies.

Posted by Steve at October 29, 2006 04:29 AM

The Democratic base is changing. Thre aren't many black votes to be had in Montana for example where Tester is leading. So, good if the "base" stays home. Over time it will hasten the demise of the Repugs.

Posted by AnonElections at October 29, 2006 09:30 AM

So you think it will be good if the Democratic Base in Montana stays home and Tester loses? This will hasten the end of the Republicans (which will happen long after the end of the Democratic party)?

Posted by Karnak at October 29, 2006 09:35 AM

Yes, here is how it will happen. The white low to middle class has been alienated from the Dems due to, yes, pandering to the black base. I think what we will see is a shift to a Lou Dobs version of the Democratic party. I think we see this happening already in the polls taken this election season. If the Dems are smart and take a Lou Dob bs view of the immigration issue for example, which I think is taking hold, the only hope for the Repubs is to continue catering to the Social Conservatives who themselves are beginning to splinter - Evangelical voters are sliding out of the hold of the Repubs all over the country as they see how they are being used, just as the black vote is/was used by the Dems. Or closer to home see what's happening in Virginia for example. Virginia will soon be part of the North East in its voting character. Even if the House and Senate remain in Repub hands this season, the long term trends are for pragmatic, common sense governance and I think the Dems are proving capable of doing this in governorships around the country which is spilling over into how people view the party. In addition, you are seing the North Eastern Republican looking at his party and not feeling at home in it anymore or can't stand the incompetence (Iraq) or the hypocrisy (Foley) anymore. So, yes, I do think the "base" moving away or not voting is going to help the Dems longer term prospects.

Also, I think you missed my point entirely about Montana. The point was there is no Donna Brazile Dem base in Montana and yet the Dems are leading in the polls, which says to me that the Dems must be attracting a majority of white votes over there, which in the context of the original piece means that the Dem "base" is different up there. The black vote in Montana could stay home. Probably won't change Tester's chances much.

Posted by AnonElections at October 29, 2006 10:14 AM

Considering that Burns is now only three points behind Tester(ignoring the partisan poll) on average and considering how Republicans greatly outnumber Democrats in Montana, making it fertile ground for Rove's superior GOTV effort, I would not bet any money on Tester right now.

Posted by Karnak at October 29, 2006 10:32 AM

Yes, I agree. Burns will probably pull it off...interesting dynamic going on there in Montana though.

Posted by AnonElections at October 29, 2006 12:01 PM

The Democrats have the advantage as far as the portraying-themselves-as-moderate conservatives bit, though, and will continue to hold it until about four years or so after they finally win an election.

Posted by Phil Fraering at October 29, 2006 12:39 PM

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