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Finally, Some Action?

I'd sure like to think that this is true:

North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Il and his generals inspect a Korean People's Army Unit in this photo released by the Korean Central News Agency on December 6. According to the report, intelligence activities against the Kim regime also are being considered. The Chinese military intelligence service, known as 2 PLA, "is toying with the idea of a palace revolution that would kick out the 'Kim dynasty' and replace it with 'pro-Chinese generals,'" the report said.

Long overdue, if so. That wouldn't be great for the North Koreans, but it has to beat the current situation. I suspect that the Chinese are getting pretty upset now, because they don't want Japan to start to build up a nuclear arsenal.

Posted by Rand Simberg at December 18, 2006 12:32 PM
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Does that mean the Chinese are going to pay the rebuilding costs? Might be something they could spend those $1.2 trillion in treasuries on.

Posted by Adrasteia at December 18, 2006 06:24 PM

From reading a little more about this, it looks like one of those "official" leaks (much like Washington does all the time). This is probably meant more to apply pressure to North Korea rather than actually replace the government.

I doubt China as a whole has more desire to bail out North Korea than anyone else. However, economics-wise, building a serious economy in North Korea would be mean some great business opportunities for Chinese firms. So someone there is probably in favor of it, if merely for what they can get out of it. Ultimately, it looks like North Korea is going to have to fund most of its development. And it seems to me that they will need to make at the least a large scale restructuring of their society and government.

Posted by Karl Hallowell at December 19, 2006 12:31 AM

The poor N. Korean people, those poor people! It's too bad leaders of nations care absolutely nothing about the welfare of their people beyond the political and material wealth they can suck out of them.

Posted by X at December 19, 2006 03:01 AM

The pentagon reports that attacks on US forces in Iraq
are at an alltime high.

Bet SImberg won't write about that.

Posted by anonymous at December 19, 2006 04:24 AM

Uh, wait. An "official leak" ? The purpose being- what? To somehow affect Kim Jong-Il's behavior in a positive way? To inspire others in the North Korean government to depose him? Or maybe the whole purpose is to appease Japan. "Hey look, we're making threatening noises, no need to make nukes."

Posted by David Bush at December 19, 2006 04:55 AM

Ah, so gullible...

Poke around a little bit. I bet if you did, you'd discover that the World Tribune is owned by Sun Myung Moon, who has never been objective about North Korea or China. One might take this report with several pounds of salt.

Posted by Ken Pinkerton at December 19, 2006 06:12 AM

"The pentagon reports that attacks on US forces in Iraq
are at an alltime high.

Bet SImberg won't write about that."

Hey everybody! Did ya'll know Anonymous Retard is so stupid he thinks Iraq and North Korea are the same country? Bet Anonymous Retard won't write about that!

Posted by Mike Puckett at December 19, 2006 07:09 AM

"Bet SImberg won't write about that."

Here's an idea; how about you write about it on YOUR blog. And then we can all come by and anonymously troll there!

Posted by Cecil Trotter at December 19, 2006 07:51 AM

Well, DUH.

We just declared, repeatedly, to the world that we're openly considering cutting and running as a result of suffering a "whopping" 3,000 dead over 3 years.

Gee, it must be a real stretch to imagine that folks who were too afraid to face us are now coming out of the woodwork to pile on, certain that if they push just a little harder, kill just a few more soldiers, we'll surrender politically and give them the victory they could never achieve against our troops.

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Posted by Big D at December 19, 2006 08:05 AM

The pentagon reports that attacks on US forces in Iraq
are at an alltime high.

How about the number of dead Americans due to terrorist attacks on our shores? What's the score there?

Posted by Mac at December 19, 2006 08:37 AM

Big D is right again. It seems no one gives any thought at all as to how it is perceived by our enemies when prominent US politicians talk about "we must pullout NOW" or "we cannot win". It does not take someone with a degree in psychology to realize how the enemy will react to such talk.

Posted by Cecil Trotter at December 19, 2006 10:17 AM

Wait a sec guys, I'm having trouble keeping track. Is the enemy Eurasia or Eastasia this week?

Posted by Adrasteia at December 19, 2006 10:28 AM

"Gee, it must be a real stretch to imagine that folks who were too afraid to face us are now coming out of the woodwork to pile on..."

Right. Everything was going so well in Iraq until a couple of weeks ago.

Posted by Ken Pinkerton at December 19, 2006 10:46 AM

Actually Iraq was doing very well until the Al-Askari Mosque was blown up by Al Qaeda. Things have been getting worse ever since. That should tell you something about the violence in Iraq: it was largely a creation of AQ's and has been sustained at least in part by carefully calculated attacks by AQ ever since.

Posted by Cecil Trotter at December 19, 2006 12:43 PM

"That should tell you something about the violence in Iraq: it was largely a creation of AQ's and has been sustained at least in part by carefully calculated attacks by AQ ever since."

I agree. It's the Iraqis' fault that things are going so bad. We didn't do anything and don't deserve this blame. Everything was going fine with the occupation until the Iraqis got involved.

Posted by Ken Pinkerton at December 19, 2006 03:11 PM


If you and Simberg were to sign up, I'm sure you could
scare the Al-Qaeda guys to death with your manly pectorals
and fierce stares

Posted by anonymous at December 19, 2006 04:56 PM

Pinkerton you may sign your name but you're evidently no less a moron than anonymoron is, since you cannot read and/or comprehend. AQ blew up the Al-Askari Mosque, that is a fact. Violence has sky-rocketed since that event, also a fact. What part of those facts can you not comprehend? It is also a fact that most of the big headline attacks that happen to this day are committed by AQ, coordinated in such a manner as to throw gasoline on the Shite-Sunni fire.

Posted by Cecil Trotter at December 19, 2006 05:45 PM

Cecil, I'm AGREEING with you. It's not our fault that security is so lousy in Iraq. We're not responsible for security. So why are you resorting to calling me names when I am telling you that you're 100% right and Iraq's security situation has nothing to do with the United States? Calling people names is the kind of thing best left in grade school.

Posted by Ken Pinkerton at December 19, 2006 07:21 PM

Sounded like sarcasm to me, sorry if I read you wrong. But even so I don't believe it is as you wrote "the Iraqis' fault". Al Qaeda is not Iraqi for the most part, and it is AQ pulling the strings of the Iraqi Sunnis and Shites getting them to keep killing one another.

Pundits want to call the violence in Iraq a civil war but if this is a civil war it would be as if the American Civil War were started and orchestrated by Canada.

Posted by Cecil Trotter at December 20, 2006 05:05 AM

No, Cecil, I agree with you: the war isn't our fault. It has nothing to do with us. And I agree with our president, who said only a few weeks ago "Definitely, we're winning."


Now Bush has said that we're NOT winning?! What's up with that? When did that Al-Askari Mosque thing happen? It must have been a couple of weeks ago in order to turn the tide from "winning" to "not winning" so fast.

Sheez! This is so confusing! What's a fellow to do? For the past three years all I've been hearing is that everything is going great in Iraq and that the resistance was in its last throes, the end was in sight, everything was going great. I thought it was only the mainstream commie media that was distorting our success story. Then Rumsfeld got fired, the Marines said things are going badly, and now even our Commander in Chief says things aren't going well.

I don't know what to think now. Will somebody please tell me what to think? Cecil?

Posted by Ken Pinkerton at December 20, 2006 06:06 AM


How do YOU know Al Qaeda blew up the Al Askaria mosque?

Posted by anonymous at December 21, 2006 11:13 AM

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