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"Tyranny Pays"

From the IBD:

A high-tech revolution had spread ideas of freedom across the Web. Migrant laborers returned home with tales of glimpsing freer societies. The economy had tanked, with fuel prices doubling and public tolerance of the morally bankrupt regime hitting an all-time low. There didn't seem to be a way this regime could last.

There is an exception, however: The brute force of a violent military regime that cares little what the world thinks. It's a message real tyrants send with a soggy U.N. establishment doing nothing. They expect to get away with it. They're counting on a few visits from U.N. officials, a few statements of condemnation, a few expressions of "concern" and then another 20 years of tyranny.

After all, they've looked at the opprobrium America drew from this global consensus when it sent in troops to overturn a comparable tyranny in Iraq. That verdict from the global establishment that calls itself "the world" — the Nobel committees, the U.N., regional alliances — certainly did get the word out to regimes such as Burma's that the only real criminal regime out there is U.S.

...The ultimate lesson of Burma is that it's not the active countries out there that create an environment for mass murdering regimes to flourish, it's the passive ones that prefer the decorum of international institutions. There needs to be a strong response or communities such as the U.N. and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations will forfeit all their moral authority.

Too late for that, I think. That train left the station a long time ago.

Posted by Rand Simberg at October 02, 2007 09:40 AM
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That verdict from the global establishment that calls itself "the world" — the Nobel committees, the U.N., regional alliances — certainly did get the word out to regimes such as Burma's that the only real criminal regime out there is U.S.

Exactly, and aided and abetted by our 'unbiased' media. I would throw the Democrats in as well.

Posted by doubled at October 2, 2007 09:58 AM

The "international community" does not exist, and never has.

What exists now is an organization dedicated to sustaining the status of thugs and the thug regimes they lead -- we call it the "United Nations".

To those of you who wish to include the US amongst the thug regimes, I offer this invitation:

Go to the nearest US consulate, and renounce your citizenship.

Good luck, and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Posted by MG at October 2, 2007 10:26 AM

I'm still waiting for Toast_n_Tea and the other US critics to take care of Burma and thereby demonstrate that their way is best. Oh wait - they are, just as they're doing in the Sudan.

Posted by Andy Freeman at October 2, 2007 11:05 AM

Simberg acts like the US never did anything in Bosnia or Kosovo.

Oh right, Clinton did that and didn't lost any people to speak of.

That must really gripe Simberg

Posted by anonymous at October 2, 2007 05:55 PM

Heh is "anonymous" a fascist troll? Or does he think Milosevic was a democratically inclined peace-loving teddybear?

The Serbs under Milosevic ran death camps as part of their struggle for Greater Serbia. The idea of Greater Serbia was the source for the Serb-Bosnian war as well as the Serb-Kroatian war as well as the Serb-Kosovo war as well as the Serb-Montenegro could-have-been.

Even when it happened (again) in europe the EU just couldn't manage to get their finger out to stop the atrocities. Ever heard of Sarajevo "anonymous"? If the US hadn't acted (late is better than never) mini-Hitler Milosevic would have gone on towards at least parts of Albania and who knows if it would have stopped there, no reason it should have if the rest of the world is busy looking the other way.

Go to hell "anonymous" and take you pro-dictatorship drivel with you.

Posted by Habitat Hermit at October 2, 2007 06:43 PM

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