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Mars Versus Venus

Obviously, once the hypothesis was put forth, an experiment was required. Surely there are some women out there who would get this?

A side thought: does this explain why Rosie doesn't believe that fire melts steel? Of course, she didn't think it would make it explode...

Posted by Rand Simberg at November 12, 2007 08:59 AM
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1. Rosie does not think!

2. Anything that kills political correctness gets my vote!

Posted by Andy Clark at November 12, 2007 09:09 AM

Now that I know beer bottles will melt in a fire, I'm finding it hard to resist doing an experiment of my own.

The woman probably thought it would explode because of all those movie scenes where glass windows explode during fires. Not that they don't in real life, but she probably associated "glass" with "explodes when in contact with heat."

Posted by Andrea Harris at November 12, 2007 09:18 AM

While I have not read it, I'm told this book answers a lot of questions about why men behave the way we do. Not only is it said to be highly accurate, it's supposed to be a funny book. I'd certainly trust it a lot more than any book on the topic written by women.

Posted by Larry J at November 12, 2007 09:52 AM

It's simple, women, especially those with male offspring are hypersensitive to risk. They are not interested it the physics surrounding the act, risk is their primary driving factor. This also holds true for almost any acts the boys might participate in. It’s natural selection at it finest. Boys push the envelope at the slightest provocation, good mothers hold them back.

Posted by JJS at November 12, 2007 12:02 PM

Is it possible that, for some reason, she thought the bottle was full and capped? That could produce an explosion, or at least shoot the cap off. Now we need to do that experiment!

Posted by Michael at November 12, 2007 01:33 PM

the amazing thing about that syndrome is this. They want to protect those young boys, keep them from jumping out of trees with a sheet for a parachute and expect them to be quiet and gentle. THEN, they want grandchildren. Won't happen ladies, if you raise them as little girls, they'll like boys, just like little girls!

Especially in an atmosphere where PCascists want to rule out guns, knives, contact sports and any kind of competition.

I'm torn. It sounds like fun, bit at the loss of beer. I'm really torn, it's a great experiment, but what to do, what to do?!

Posted by Steve at November 13, 2007 07:05 AM

Heard Craig Venter (Human Genome Project) interviewed on radio the other day. Asked something like "What's the most important thing in science?" he replied "Don't be afraid to do the experiment."
Amen, brother.

Posted by Fred the Fourth at November 13, 2007 10:42 AM

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