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Good Thinking

I've never read anything by "Vox Day" before, but one of my commenters cited him in a previous post. But having read this, it makes it pretty hard to take anything he (or she) has to say seriously:

I tend to support the faked Moon landing theory myself, not because of any particular detail, but simply based on the theory that if the Official Story is that we landed there, then we probably didn't.

Note, that's the only reason stated for disbelief--pure contrarianism. Never mind that it would have been much more difficult to fake it than to actually do it, and that all of the supposed "anomalies" or "proofs" that we didn't go are readily explained by simple references to actual physics and facts.

I should also add that the Fox Network (which is not the same thing as Fox News) should be eternally ashamed of itself for broadcasting that travesty of a crockumentary on the subject a few years ago, and feeding the loons who believe this stuff.


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» On and on and on.... from Random Jottings

Apparently people are still claiming that the moon landings were faked. Rand Simberg links to this page, debunking their arguments with easily understandable physics and logic... Bad: When the movies of the astronauts walking and driving the lunar rov... Read More

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This page contains a single entry by Rand Simberg published on August 14, 2006 9:48 AM.

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