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He Gave Them A Cigar?

He spooged on their dress? He suborned perjury from them? He got Vernon Jordan to offer them a job with Revlon? What?

Obama's racist black minister says that Bill Clinton (the first black president) gave blacks the Monica treatment:

Man should not put limits on what God can do, but that's what people always do, he told the crowd. Just as God made five loaves and two fishes feed thousands, God has provided liberators for blacks in the past - from Nat Turner to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and now Barack Obama. But, Wright said, there were always reasons not to follow them.

Some argue that blacks should vote for Clinton "because her husband was good to us," he continued.

"That's not true," he thundered. "He did the same thing to us that he did to Monica Lewinsky."

I eagerly await further elaboration.

I'm going to run out of popcorn, watching the so-called "progressives" finally immolating themselves in their vile identity politics.

Posted by Rand Simberg at January 18, 2008 02:15 PM
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