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Strange Internet Problems

As some of you have heard (it seems to be the main news now on cable), Florida had a massive power outage today. It didn't affect me, except indirectly.

About quarter after one, I heard a little click from my UPS, which usually indicates a power drop, but we didn't lose power, and even a computer that wasn't on a UPS didn't seem to have a problem. But I noticed shortly afterward that I had no internet connection. The DSL modem lights were all working fine, but I couldn't connect, even after repeated resets. I ended up being on the phone with AT&T for over an hour, and they finally got things working again. They told me that somehow (somehow?) my authentication had gotten screwed up, and that they had rejiggered (or some other technical term) the lines to get it working again. They didn't believe that it had anything to do with the power outage--that it was just coincidence. I'm skeptical.

Anyway, as you can see, I'm back on line.


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mathman wrote:

Nuclear reactor shutdown in Florida.
Safety system tripped; several million in the dark.
Details have not been released.
Stay tuned.

jason wrote:

I kept getting timeouts on sites that had never timed out before. Google was timing out, for one.

But I use Comcast, and seeing as my last customer service call ended up with me coaxing the "tech guy" through basic Windows operations, I decided to let it slide.

Josh Reiter wrote:

I'd be skeptical as well. Your primary authentication server may have been impacted which caused one of the other authentication controllers in the domain to accept your request. Your user object was probably there but hadn't replicated correctly or had a corrupt SID.

Anonymous wrote:

Your primary authentication server may have been impacted which caused one of the other authentication controllers in the domain to accept your request. Your user object was probably there but hadn't replicated correctly or had a corrupt SID.

Yes, that's my thinking as well. Of course, it's not the first time that I've found Bellsouth/AT&T to be clueless technically.

Keith wrote:

After one phone call and repeated efforts to reset the modem and router (at different times), we still didn't have any luck with the change in internet speed and email problems. A second call was made and evidently when an event like Tuesday happens, it can cause power surges that can cause one's modem and router to 'miscommunicate'. We had no power outages where we live but 20 miles away, there were outages. Anyway, it was nothing we had done and BrightHouse quickly fixed it.

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This page contains a single entry by Rand Simberg published on February 26, 2008 12:38 PM.

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