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They Should

Dan Walters writes that the Dems fear train-wreck scenarios.

And I'll keep the corn popping.


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Mike Gerson wrote:

He has been eating so much popcorn recently that he might simply wind up diseased, or even deceased making this blog even more funereal. I'd take it easy on Orville if I were him. He can go real funereal when McCain wins and implements the great socialist agenda.

Rand Simberg wrote:

He has been eating so much popcorn recently that he might simply wind up diseased, or even deceased making this blog even more funereal. I'd take it easy on Orville if I were him. He can go real funereal when McCain wins and implements the great socialist agenda.

Surely you meant to write something at least somewhat more comprehensible and intelligent than this?

Josh Reiter wrote:

Oh noes!1!11! I gotten teh disease from the popcorns. What evar will I do.

Ilya wrote:

Oh noes!1!11!

Exclaiming in binary?

Habitat Hermit wrote:

Ilya nice try but it's the "agitated exclamation to the point of not being able to keep the Shift key pressed while hammering at the 1/! key" meta-lexical (I think that's a correct name for it but perhaps meta-grammatical would be more correct) meme supposedly derived from leet-speak and more assuredly from the Qwerty keyboard layout (and it seems to transcend all regional/language-based differences in Qwerty layouts although that needs a more extensive check) and most commonly used to mockingly and/or sarcastically claim extreme agitation, shock, horror, etc. ^_^

I.e. typed informal language evolving into permitting easy expression of blunt massive sarcasm (if I hadn't gotten seriously ill I would be writing papers on this kind of stuff by now due to an interdisciplinary BoS in media, law, and ICT/CS --just proof there's a silver lining to everything lol).

Habitat Hermit wrote:

That was a bit too ambiguous and potentially misleading so I should add that it's a BoS I would have had by now but didn't complete due to the circumstances.

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This page contains a single entry by Rand Simberg published on February 25, 2008 1:32 PM.

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