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Why This Is Such A Depressing Election

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Kelly Starks wrote:

I want a do over of the primary.

There must be some real screw up in the system to have these two float to the top of the pool, especially during a time of economic crises!!

Rand Simberg wrote:

Well, you're unlikely to get much better from any Democrat who can win a primary. It's much more disappointing that the Republican is almost as bad.

Rove for President! (Or at least for a top economic policy post.)

Little Birdie wrote:

Well, you're unlikely to get much better from any Democrat who can win a primary. It's much more disappointing that the Republican is almost as bad.

Congress "must stop preventing Americans from developing their own energy resources," says Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party candidate for president.

The problem is bipartisan, explains Barr. "For years the Democrats have refused to permit drilling in Alaska's huge Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), and have severely limited drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf, which contains at least 86 billion barrels of oil." But John McCain is little better. "He just told Philadelphia voters that he won't allow exploration of ANWR, which contains billions more barrels of oil," notes Barr.

Leland wrote:

It's hard to compare Mccain to Obama on the economic crisis in regards to oil when the House Democrats are demanding the US Government take ownership of oil refineries.

I thought government control of health care was a bad idea. I know government control of energy is a bad idea. Mccain corrected his mistake in a day, and is now calling for drilling. I'm still waiting for Obama to distance himself from his Marxist comrades in the House.

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This page contains a single entry by Rand Simberg published on June 19, 2008 6:22 AM.

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