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A New Toy For Rich People

A submersible speedboat that can dive to twelve hundred feet. If there's a market for this, at a few million a pop, I'll bet that XCOR will be able so sell a few Lynx's to private owners.


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Dave G wrote:

There's a fair amount of skepticism (deservedly so) for a boat with big square windows diving to 1200 feet.

But, the concept is Bond-like in coolness.

Rand Simberg wrote:

There's a fair amount of skepticism (deservedly so) for a boat with big square windows diving to 1200 feet.

I share it. But even if it could do a couple hundred it would be pretty cool.

Brock wrote:

Lynx probably won't have the same draw from the smuggler's market though ...

Karl Hallowell wrote:

The windows aren't square though. They're cylindrical. Doesn't mean it can handle 35-40 atmospheres of pressure, but it's the sort of shape you'd expect a window under a lot of pressure to be.

brian d wrote:

If there isn't a market for this, at a few million a pop, I'll bet that XCOR won't be able to sell a few Lynx's to private owners.

Steve wrote:

This is so old hat, Johnny Quest had one like this 40 years ago.

David Summers wrote:

The real problem is that a large percentage of the "crazy rich buyers" market is non-US - so ITAR pretty much kills that market. It's enough to make you consider alternate citizenship - Isreal and others have a much more reasonable stance.

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This page contains a single entry by Rand Simberg published on July 17, 2008 11:24 AM.

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