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I Agree With Tigerhawk

I would love an Obama presidency with a Republican-controlled Congress.

Unfortunately, that's not a choice realistically on offer. The best we'll probably be able to do, absent some political earthquake, is a McCain in the White House, with Dems continuing to misrule the Hill. That's not a good thing, but it's better than the donkeys running the whole show (despite the fact that McCain isn't much of a Republican, either).

On the other hand, a Democrat monopoly on power would have salutary effects on the elections in 2010. But I fear the SCOTUS replacements that would almost certainly ensue in the interim, which are much harder to undo. That's really the bottom line to want to keep Obama out of the White House.


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Cecil Trotter wrote:

The silver lining to the dark cloud that would be a dem controlled Congress and White House, with respect to SCOTUS, is that the most likely retiree justices are liberals. Replacing the current liberals with more liberals is better than a conservative justice retiring and being replaced by a lib.

NukemHill wrote:

But I fear the SCOTUS replacements that would almost certainly ensue in the interim, which are much harder to undo. That's really the bottom line to want to keep Obama out of the White House.

Which, of course, is exactly why my wife is voting for Obambi. Makes for some rather tense moments in the Hill household....

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