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Pitchers' Duel


I just happened to glance at the Tigers-Seahawks game, and they're tied 1-1, in the fourteenth inning. They need to win to keep pace with Chicago and the Twins.

[Sunday night update]

OK, they pulled it out not long after, 2-1. Though as a commenter notes, it''s a little depressing that they had to fight so hard against the Seahawks.

[Update on Monday]

OK, OK, I get it.

I'm obviously more of a Tigers fan than a baseball fan, and I don't follow Seattle sports at all. Also obviously, I meant Mariners.


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Rich in Ohio wrote:


Anonymous wrote:


If the Seattle Seahawks can put up a fight against the Tigers, maybe the Mariners could defeat the Lions.

TL wrote:

Don't know how the Seahawks did that, people say the Tiger's O-Line is pretty tough.

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This page contains a single entry by Rand Simberg published on July 6, 2008 5:18 PM.

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