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Politics, Not Geology

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JJS wrote:

I’m sure if you dug deep you’d find most of the time estimated would be required to jump through the regulatory hoops set up by the same people that are telling us it’s a waste of time.

Karl Hallowell wrote:

Another thing to consider is that a lot of this oil can eventually be stolen, if it is not consumed. The technology isn't there today, but it may be possible in the not so distant future to drill extremely long horizontal shafts for very cheap (once you ignore regulation). Maybe even underwater oil wells and supertanker submarines. All you need is enough technology, experience, and price incentive, and you have oil theft.

Bill Maron wrote:

The next time one of those enviro-nuts brags about stopping production, call them the traitor they are.

Steve wrote:

Even if we drill ANWR, even if we get the oil out of the ground, post enviro-Nazi attempts to stall it, what do we do with it?

We need new refineries too.

Carl Pham wrote:

The criticism of new oil exploration that it won't help in the immediate future contains the curious unexamined assumption that the immediate future is the only place where the problem lies. Apparently, the distant future (when no one doubts oil looked for today will be available at the well-head) is not a problem.

Because...why, exactly? Because the run-up in oil prices is just a bubble, a spike that will go away in a few years, so we won't need ANWR oil in 2050? Hmmm. That doesn't square with these folks's usual "peak oil" hysteria...

Or is it because The One will, through the brilliant engineering insight acquired in several years of "community organizing," and with the assistance of a few bazillion in Federal dollars, discover by 2013 the long-awaited means by which solar cells can be made as cheaply (per square meter) as latex paint, or wind turbines can be made that float weightlessly in the jet stream and beam their copious power to cars everywhere via safe, non-polluting N-rays, so that petroleum will become as quaintly useless as whale oil?

I mean, either way, it's weird.

Chris wrote:

There's plenty of oil left, it's just all located in Russian territorial waters.

"but it may be possible in the not so distant future to drill extremely long horizontal shafts for very cheap"

I'm not so sure we should be worrying about intercontinental slant drilling just yet.

Chris wrote:

"Even if we drill ANWR, even if we get the oil out of the ground, post enviro-Nazi attempts to stall it, what do we do with it?"

Well, we have good old fashioned american oil companies pay taxes on their production, instead of otherwise giving that money tax free to Muslim extremists.

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This page contains a single entry by Rand Simberg published on August 14, 2008 10:25 AM.

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