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You Say You Want A Revolution?

Well, you know...

I love the pith of Gerard van der Leun's comment at Connecticut Yankee:

Given the Huffpos lack of training, weapons, ammunition, and general knowledge of when to duck, I say bring it on.

It will be a short revolution but a merry one for those left standing.

Yes, the idiot leftists always forget that (at least for now) we still have most of the guns. Which is why they hate the Second Amendment so much.

Well, there is at least one exception. But if Joe Biden shoots off his Beretta with the same uncontrolled abandon with which he shoots off his mouth, we don't have much to worry about.


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T.L. James wrote:

"But if Joe Biden shoots off his Beretta with the same uncontrolled abandon with which he shoots off his mouth, we don't have much to worry about."

Sure we do: stray bullets.

Rand Simberg wrote:

Still a lot better than well-aimed ones...

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This page contains a single entry by Rand Simberg published on September 21, 2008 11:39 AM.

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