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What Kind Of Shirts

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Mike Gerson wrote:

Rand, you are not going to like this:

Makes it pretty hard for McCain to go there...

ken anthony wrote:

So Mike, explain how this supports Obama. The republicans have known for years that McCain is not their guy. It's a hold your nose and vote anyway situation.

We can deal with McCain after the election. Obama we have to deal with before the election.

That NY Post article is devastating. ACORN and all it's affiliates have to go. All funding has to stop. These thugs and their congressional supporters have got to go to jail. Has anybody heard any more news of the RICO investigation out of Chicago?

Mike, if you support these thugs, you may be sharing their fate. They can't all hide when the lights come on.

Mike Gerson wrote:

Ken, Of course I don't support voter fraud. And yes, such stuff has to stop. However I really doubt that the problem is of any real significance unless the election turns out to be very close. I think the McCain campaign and the NRC are looking for excuses to validate a post election lawsuit; looking for the means to up the ante on invalidating the results of the election should things not work to their satisfaction.

ken anthony wrote:

Mike, the Governor of Ohio and their courts have just rubber stamped election fraud. Register and vote absentee on the same day. Buses of people needing no ID, many perhaps from out of state, many perhaps voting more than once with different names, may have already given Ohio to Obama.

Ohio may already be a done deal and most haven't even had a chance to vote legitimately. Election day may now be just a formality.

Once they get this down, elections become superfluous.

Carl Pham wrote:

However I really doubt that the problem is of any real significance unless the election turns out to be very close.

And what will you do about the problem if the election turns out to be close? Put a real big padlock on the barn door, after the horse has left?

I think the McCain campaign and the NRC are looking for excuses to validate a post election lawsuit;

Or possibly they want to (1) avoid losing a close election fraudulently, and (2) highlight the character of the opposing candidate, who counts this sleazy organization among the many curious friends he's been in bed with these many years.

Karl Hallowell wrote:

Makes it pretty hard for McCain to go there...

No. It's not. In that instance, McCain and ACORN had a common goal. Immigration issues are not related to the current real estate bubble. For starters, it indicates no endorsement of ACORN's somewhat destructive lending agenda or fraudulent voter registration.

Anonymous wrote:

MR. Gerson,

Perhaps you should review the 2004 gubernatorial election in Washington State.

'Tis far better to build and sustain an electoral system through all elections, then to accept that there is a problem after a presidential one.

Now THAT'S change we can beleive in.

Horatius wrote:

I'm not sure *exactly* what kind of modern day "brownshirts" the ACORN "regulators" are, but they certainly fit somewhere inside this fine collection of Democratic purity enforcers:

Gown Shirts: college administrators who enforce PC "hate speech" codes; as well as the students who violently shout down any conservative speaker they disagree with

Frown Shirts: the "usual suspects" from grievance-mongering identity groups who are always "saddened" to hear Mr. X said such hateful things, and until he undergoes reeducation camp and shows the proper respect they will have to apply pressure and march in the streets.

Clown Shirts: Code Pink, or Congress. They try to get you, but like a poor marksman they. keep. missing. the. target.

Josh Reiter wrote:

Barkskin shirts.

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This page contains a single entry by Rand Simberg published on October 14, 2008 8:28 AM.

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