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Moral Authority

This is old news that I missed while at the NewSpace conference, but Lileks has a screed up about Howard Dean and the war that's still timely. It's funny, and sad (as Lileks often is):

...the revelatory moment in Dean’s assertion was its touching faith in Talk and Work. President Gore or Kerry would have been working day after day after day on the issue. Non stop! Sleeves rolled up, dinner at the desk: make another pot of coffee, Mabel, this Golan Heights dispute won’t solve itself. This suggests they believe the difficulties of the Middle East have the weight and consequence of a tariff dispute. This suggests that they don’t understand that the Hezbollah definition of “Disarm” is blowing off the limbs of Israelis. Imagine a typical negotiation:

Fierce-eyed Hezbollah representative: Thank you for the invitation; lovely office. Death to Israel.

Gullible American: Well, that’s just rhetoric; we understand.

Hezbollah: It is not rhetoric. It is truth. The Zionist entity is a festering infected splinter in the lip of the Caliphate.


GA: So you’re saying you want some antibiotics as well? We can do that. But you have to show us you’re ready to coexist with Israel.

Hezbollah: We recognize the right of Israel to exist, but only as a footnote in history books.

Posted by Rand Simberg at August 01, 2006 07:53 AM
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Ya know that would be funny if it were not so close to the truth.

Good work on posting this stuff.


Posted by Dennis Ray Wingo at August 1, 2006 12:22 PM

isjcozwf wioxb zsdhq fyopbl ansbmyi mblfsezvi atbw

Posted by sohl cpgfwhu at November 11, 2006 01:48 AM

isjcozwf wioxb zsdhq fyopbl ansbmyi mblfsezvi atbw

Posted by sohl cpgfwhu at November 11, 2006 01:48 AM

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