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The Problem With McCain

Michael Lynch: does a man of proclaimed "principle"--a proclamation bolstered by those who know him best and by a 16-year voting record--go so wrong on such consequential issues? Skeptics heap scorn on the notion that McCain has any principles. "His principle is that he should codify any prejudice he happens to have," scoffs Ed Crane, president of the Cato Institute.

McCain's friends, foes, and biography suggest a more complicated, but no less politically worrisome, explanation. For John McCain, principle is fundamentally about honor--personal honor: about keeping his word, about doing what is right and doing it well. "Principle" combines honesty, stubbornness, and loyalty. This notion of principle is very different from adhering to a consistent political philosophy. It explains McCain's popular appeal, especially in contrast to the exceptionally dishonorable Clinton administration, but also accounts for the distrust, even contempt, he inspires among the ideologically committed.

As Virginia notes, it's also worth reading Matt's book.

And as Robert Bidinotto says, we don't need another Teddy Roosevelt--another "liberal fascist."


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There’s been plenty of speculation since self-described Democratic-independent Sen. Joe Lieberman started stumping for Sen. John McCain in December that Al Gore’s 2000 runningmate might reprise that role for his Republican friend, the WSJ reported thre... Read More


McGehee ? wrote:

What McCain means by "principle" is arguably very similar to what a "made man" in The Mob might mean by it.

Oh, goody.

Ric Locke wrote:

It fails to matter.

The only reason McCain has gotten this far is that the Press sees him as a slightly left-of-center Democrat and therefore supportable. As soon as it's a contest between him and somebody with a (D) after their name, anything that appears in the media will savage him. I expect the "sold out to the North Vietnamese" notion to surface in the MSM sometime about the middle of March, and to be the Confirmed Narrative™ by May.


McGehee ? wrote:

Ric's right. In 2000, after McCain's bid had reached its fizzle-out point, he got caught on camera being rude to Maria Shriver.

And the networks showed it.

I suspect much of his mischief-making during the first six months of Bush's presidency was aimed at regaining the adulation of his core constituency -- but they'll throw him to the dogs as soon as he's no longer useful.

And in 2008 that will be when he clinches the nomination.

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This page contains a single entry by Rand Simberg published on February 6, 2008 5:25 AM.

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