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Not The Chicago Way

Apparently the Obama campaign forgot their new philosophy today. They brought a plastic spork to the fight, and the McCain campaign leveled a howitzer at them.


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ken anthony wrote:

Visions of Duke Obamakus in a tank helmet.

What is wrong with this country?

Dennis Wingo wrote:

We need to take the political parties back from the whacko activists.

Jeff Mitchell wrote:

I remember conversations in the past with people of various political persuasions coming round to the point that "no one who wants to be president really should be president", or the ancillary "we ought to be able to draft a president whether they want it or not".

Well some folks tried that this year and the results weren't that well received, by the public or possibly the draftee.

By the way, I still think Fred Thompson would make a great president.

Bill Rowan wrote:

What we need to do is elect Mr Smith go to Washington. I mean every Congressman and Senator.
And I mean every one!

Bill Rowan wrote:

What we need to do is elect Mr Smith go to Washington. I mean every Congressman and Senator.
And I mean every one!

RebeccaH wrote:

We need to take the political parties back from the whacko activists.

I think Dennis Wingo has got the right idea. Those people are ruining American politics and political discourse.

Jeff Mitchell wrote:

I remember conversations in the past with people of various political persuasions coming round to the point that "no one who wants to be president really should be president", or the ancillary "we ought to be able to draft a president whether they want it or not".

Well some folks tried that this year and the results weren't that well received, by the public or possibly the draftee.

By the way, I still think Fred Thompson would make a great president.

Jeff Mitchell wrote:

I remember conversations in the past with people of various political persuasions coming round to the point that "no one who wants to be president really should be president", or the ancillary "we ought to be able to draft a president whether they want it or not".

Well some folks tried that this year and the results weren't that well received, by the public or possibly the draftee.

By the way, I still think Fred Thompson would make a great president.


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