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Without A Shot Being Fired

Scott Ott has a depressing satire.

We're all fascists now.


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ken anthony wrote:

Powerful statement. I believe we are witnessing more than satire. I never feared for this country as I do today.

K wrote:

If the Democrats have a large majority in congress, expect well publishised hearings validating the present difficulties as the failure of the free market.

Carl Pham wrote:

Most excellent! I can't wait for my shiny new secret police badge to arrive. There's a few people I'm going to enjoy escorting to the camps.

I have to say, what's hilarious about people who can't make it in a free market voting massive power to a central authority is their touchingly naive faith that the people who will run that central authority aren't going to be exactly the same smart, capable, occasionally ruthless people who are doing well in the free market.

If you think the CEO of Exxon has too much power and influence, just wait until he becomes head of the new Federal Office of Correct Thinking.

B Chan wrote:

Fascists? I wish! At least under fascism you get to enjoy a healthy, pagan blood-and-soil cult, complete with campouts, screaming-eagle badges, and girls with long, braided tresses bearing children for the Fatherland. The dour ideologues that run the quasi-socialist government that we actually have would never tolerate such bourgeois distractions from the business of the Party and the building of a scientific and materialist future for the New Socialist Man.

Rand Simberg wrote:

At least under fascism you get to enjoy a healthy, pagan blood-and-soil cult, complete with campouts, screaming-eagle badges, and girls with long, braided tresses bearing children for the Fatherland.

That's a special case. All Nazis were fascists, but not all fascists are Nazis.

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This page contains a single entry by Rand Simberg published on October 13, 2008 3:21 PM.

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