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The Shallow Roots Of The "Netroots"

It's all about the money. And, errr...the astrology.

And this is one of the guys who's going to lead the delusional Donkeys to the political promised land?

[Saturday morning, back in Florida, update]

But wait! There's more:

Astrologer Jerome Armstrong notes that Ixion and Quaoar are following close in Pluto's wake in early Sagittarius, and connects the rise of the political version of religious fundamentalism with the astronomical exploration of the Kuiper Belt in 1992. He cites incidences as disparate as the rise of Osama bin Laden onto the world stage and the Republican Revolution of 1994, fueled by Christian fundamentalist voters and culminating now with all three branches of government in Republican control. In addition, he cites the ascendance of political Hinduism in India in 1996 with the election of the BJP. One might add to this list the emergence of Conservative majorities in Israel and the UK.

As one commenter notes, this is the gift that just keeps giving. Obviously, Rove must be behind this. All part of the Republican war on science.

And yes, this does bring a whole new meaning to the term "moonbat."

Posted by Rand Simberg at June 23, 2006 09:46 AM
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Excerpt: Just for the record, I regard “Kosola” as a scandal only for those who think that Markos “Screw Them” Moulitsas’ endorsement is the gold standard of politics, and I’m merely amused to learn that left-wing bloggers find it necessary to
Weblog: Stromata Blog
Tracked: June 24, 2006 09:11 AM

Netroots is similar to talk radio.

Giving mojo at Daily Kos is analogous to riding in the car, listening to Rush and chanting "Ditto"

Will this take people to the promised land? I dunno but it is paying for Markos to own some nice real estate and that ain't nothing.

Posted by Bill White at June 23, 2006 09:55 AM

When the moonbat is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peaceniks will guide the blogosphere
And Kos will steer the stars...

Posted by Alan K. Henderson at June 23, 2006 02:13 PM

"Netroots is similar to talk radio."

Except for the fact that Talk Radio has ten times the audience and turns a tidy profit.

Posted by Mike Puckett at June 23, 2006 02:23 PM

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