Put Your Money Where Your Dreams Are

James Taylor, a graduate student at University of Washington studying human migration, has one of the best records on my site, Space-Shot.com. Said Taylor,

I think I’m managing well over 75%…. Right now, I’m stuck at level 4 with three open plays. I need some more competition to go against me so we can get a flight faster. This is the ‘bring-it-on’ moment. There certainly were enough of us who wanted to be astronauts as children. Now that we have the chance, I don’t see the grown-ups putting their money where their dreams once were.

There is another player that bought in at level 6. It only takes 4096 players at that level to win a trip to space. Regarding his level 4 plays, Taylor said, “I didn’t buy those plays at that level, I won my way there–although I challenge everyone to buy in at my level and try to knock me out!”