The whining begins.
Category Archives: Education
The AI Companies
What are they really up to?
Let’s hope it’s at least a generation before they do.
“Environmental Justice”
Long past time to pull the plug on it.
J.D. on A.I.
Quite a bit better than the median politician speech.
— Robin Hanson (@robinhanson) February 11, 2025
[Update a few minutes later]
On the other hand…
We were so close to having this as president…
— Jeff Withrow (@stl_catholic) February 11, 2025
To Sue, Or not To Sue?
The Trump team has the bureaucracy in a box.
[Update a while later]
Don't imagine Trump as a 4D chess player.
— Devon Eriksen (@Devon_Eriksen_) February 7, 2025
That's the wrong metaphor.
Imagine him instead as a fencer. He has a sword, which is a very simple tool, with a very simple purpose: pointy end goes in the other guy.
Then remember this Bruce Lee quote:
"I fear not the man who has…
…and a warning, from Blake Powers.
They’re not going to go down without a fight, and it could get ugly.
Donald Trump
The libertarian president?
He sure seems like the closest thing to it we could imagine.
[Update a couple minutes later]
Donald Trump: "If elected, I promise to dope Elon Musk up with amphetamines and trenbolone and send him rampaging through the federal budget office with a blessed chainsaw forged from the souls of martyred accountants."
— Devon Eriksen (@Devon_Eriksen_) February 6, 2025
Voters: "Yay! We want specifically this thing! At once!"…
[Update a couple more minutes later]
Trump has finally taught Republicans how to fight.
[Late-morning update]
I wish he’d tells us what he really thinks.
This is an extremely articulate, forceful, and honest explanation of how the Democratic Party failed the American people. A must watch to the very end where he explains USAID.
— Bill Ackman (@BillAckman) February 6, 2025
Is it on its last legs? Let’s hope.
Smashing The Rice Bowls
How the elites will lash out against reform.