Not Ready For Prime Time

More historical ignorance from Senator Obama:

Obama’s unfavorable comparison of the legal treatment at Gitmo with that at Nuremberg suggests either that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about – or that he feels free to exploit the ignorance of audiences that don’t know the truth of the matter.

Hey, it’s all about fooling the rubes. The sad thing is that the press never questions him on this kind of thing.

2 thoughts on “Not Ready For Prime Time”

  1. The sad thing is that the press never questions him on this kind of thing.

    That suggests the Press is just as ignorant as the public in general and Obama in particular about the subject, and/or they’re carrying water for him. It isn’t necessarily and either/or matter.

  2. I think they’re for the most part simply just as ignorant, why wouldn’t they be?

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