No, He’s Not An Expert

Dan Rather, on net neutrality:

Rather: Neutrality is an emotionally charged word for the Internet. I’m not an expert, but I believe in equality all the way around. If someone’s going to have high speed, then everybody ought to have access to high speed. I recognize that there’s an argument the other way, that you can’t have it for everybody, but I just don’t buy that argument. To me, it’s akin to saying, “Well, there’s this new invention called the telephone, and only a few people should be allowed to have it, because everybody can’t have it at once.”

Funny thing, though. That’s exactly how it happened. Any new technology is going to be available to the wealthy first. This is as mindlessly egalitarian as the old schoolteacher saying that you shouldn’t bring candy to class unless you bring enough for everyone. That kind of thinking ensures that everyone is equal–in poverty.

[Update at 9:40 PM EDT]

I should also not that this kind of attitude would prevent space tourism from getting off the ground. Which means preventing space development from getting off the ground. After all, if we can’t all go right now, why should anyone be allowed to?