I Can’t Think Of Any

Somehow this kind of thing only seems to go one direction.

By way of comparison, who are the conservative reporters who are torpedoing their own careers by fabricating stories about Clinton or Reid or Pelosi? I can’t really think of any. The only conservative reporter who comes to mind is an extremely minor one by the name of Jeff Gannon whose “offense” was to ask a softball question of Bush during a press conference. If liberal reporters were similarly slimed for asking questions of an opposite nature (i.e., questions designed to make Bush look bad), we would not have a White House Press corps.

Career-ending journalistic insanity — mostly attributable to the war in Iraq — appears to be almost exclusively a phenomenon of the left. If you know of some prominent counterexamples, though, please set me straight.

Of course, just statistically, there are probably a lot more liberal reporters than conservative ones, so that might be a partial explanation. But I’m sure it’s not the whole one…

[Update in mid-afternoon]

Instapundit has a roundup of Beauchamp-related links, including this one by Don Surber, who wonders why there’s such a sellers’ market for lies on the left.