An Interesting Quote

On the economics of fascism, from self-declared fascist Lawrence Dennis:

Thus we shall see what fascism has to do to make a system of private ownership and management workable, so far as arrangements involving capital income or reward are concerned. The ruling principle must be that capital and management reward must be kept in continuous and flexible adjustment with economic possibilities, and that legal and institutional arrangements—like loan contracts, bonds, legal concepts of just compensation, due process of law, and confiscation—must not obstruct executive action of government to maintain this adjustment otherwise than by the present devices of bankruptcy, foreclosures, reorganization, and cycles of booms and depressions. [Lawrence Dennis, The Coming American Fascism (New York: Harper & Bros., 1936 ), Ch. V. “Can We Reorganize the Present System?”]

Emphasis mine. As Jonah notes, it seems very familiar, somehow.

3 thoughts on “An Interesting Quote”

  1. “… you will find your servant is your master. You’ll be wrapped around my finger…” — The Police

  2. By filling the courts with judges that don’t believe in that law thing they can get away with it.

    The racism of the supreme court nominee (racism is racism, reverse racism is bull) is not the big issue, the ‘I know I shouldn’t say this on camera’ about setting policy is the big issue.

    Lady justice has lost the blindfold.

  3. Obama has dragged the Canadians in on it too. All those billions, wasted on the UAW.

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