Sotomayer And Property Rights

Ilya Somin:

Since Sotomayor has made no more than a handful of important constitutional rulings in her judicial career, the fact that she got three of them badly wrong must be given great weight in assessing her nomination.

It’s hardly surprising that a president who has so little interest in property rights would nominate a judge with that predisposition.

4 thoughts on “Sotomayer And Property Rights”

  1. Too bad the franchise (and the holding of political office) is no longer restricted to land owners. I think “universal suffrage” isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

  2. She is a self-declared “wise Latina” — and she is merely offering what Latin American culture (a.k.a. Spanish Imperial culture) regards as property rights. As in, “The Crown has rights to your property”.

  3. As in, “The Crown has rights to your property”.

    Or the patron, who doesn’t even have the illusory authority one might wish to accord hereditary monarchs.

  4. I expect that The One will discover an interest in property rights when they get in his way.

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