First African-American Elected President

Minorities and particularly African-Americans hit hardest:

The economic crisis has predominantly hit non-white working class men; the collapse of the auto industry is threatening to destroy the basis of the Midwestern black middle class. Key matters for African-Americans languish — the overincarceration of young black men that makes a mockery of American justice being the number one example. Government aid? That goes to bankers in Connecticut. If the President were white, there would be riots.

The conflict between the narrative and the reality is nothing new to anyone who has been watching these people for long.

5 thoughts on “First African-American Elected President”

  1. “…the overincarceration of young black men…”

    So lemme get this straight, black men weren’t going to jail in droves BEFORE the economy tanked? So the left was stretching the truth, telling me prison was filled with America’s black youth prior to this? Sorry, I know better, on both counts.

    I used to do Youth Outreach in a prison. The majority of AA men in jail were there for crimes committed, in the own neighborhoods or against their own race, or for selling drugs, stolen goods, etc. to other AA men, once gain, near their own homes. They are rarely arrested for committing crimes in upper scale, white areas.

    I expect to get flack from the usual lib suspects here.

  2. The main message from that article is an odd sense of annoyance that, because we now have a Black President, artsy race-snark has lost its effectiveness.

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