10 thoughts on “On Ted Kennedy”

  1. “There is a lot one could say of Senator Kennedy — positive from supporters, negative from critics. They say one should not speak ill of the dead. True. But I am of the view that one should not lie about the dead either. So I will not go on.” – Bill Bennett


    Actually he did go on. If there isn’t a diplomatic way to mention Mary Jo Kopechne in Ted’s obit, Bennett comes close. On politics he said this:

    “He assaulted our causes and nominees with vigor and rancor…To the American Left, he was their lion. To the American conservative movement, he was our bane. But today, we put the politics aside and wish him and his family God’s peace.”

    I imagine there’s a veritable Wellstone funeral pep rally all over the network news. Yet another reason why I stopped watching. I’ll let the blogosphere and NRO fill me in.

    If Bill Clinton passed away tomorrow, I could find one major issue he was right on: free trade. (He did sign some of Mr. Newt’s reforms, but he had to be dragged kicking and screaming.) I’m not having that kind of luck with regard to Ted.

  2. I was always taught that the correct form of this saying is “de mortuis nil nisi [i]bene[/i]” with bonum being a popular corruption. In other words, you can say negative things about someone who has died, but you have to do it in a just and proper manner. The reasoning is perhaps that they are no longer here to defend themselves.

  3. His burial at Arlington is a slap in the face. Haul his moldering butt back to Hyannisport. It deserves him.

  4. Hey, my comment vanished.

    Nick Gillespie did an article about Kennedy’s push to dereg airlines and trucking.

    Desegregation would have been via the 1964 Civil Rights Act, when Obama was a toddler.

  5. While there’s nothing good about terminal brain cancer, whatever else one may say (or not say) of the Senator, he managed to do something that all too few Kennedy men have done, in passing by way of natural causes…

  6. If God is just, then today Mary Jo will have a pair of pliers, a blowtorch and a day-pass to Hell.

    That is all.

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