Hollywood Comes To Flint

Amid all the bad news, here’s one bright spot for my home town:

Don’t rub the stars from your eyes: you really might see award-winning actor Brian Dennehy chatting up fellow star Fred Thompson at Gillie’s Coney Island in Genesee Township or Blackstone’s in downtown Flint.

The pair have signed on to two of the leading roles in “Alleged,” a new movie on the historic Scopes Monkey Trial being shot at Crossroads Village starting Sept. 14…

…The film’s $4.1-million budget might be small by Hollywood standards, but nearly a quarter of it will go directly into the pockets of businesses right here in Flint and southeast Michigan in less than eight weeks’ time — and that’s just for the most obvious, basic expenses.

It would be nice if this sets a trend, but I wouldn’t bet on it. But the town definitely has to diversify out of autos.

One thought on “Hollywood Comes To Flint”

  1. Cool.

    I would see Senator Fred Thompson on TV, and he would like all disheveled at hair every which way, and then I would say District Attorney Arthur Branch on Law and Order, and the man would look like a million bucks. Seeing more of Mr. Thompson with the proper kind of hair care and makeup will do wonders for his image.

    So does he get to play Bryan or Darrow? Does it matter?

    In historical hindsight, Bryan was the villian of this affair, but at the time, Bryan was the Ur Dogooder, the proto-Obama-as-community-organizer-and-reformer.

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