7 thoughts on “They Need More Regulation”

  1. Er… …this was ‘research’ sponsored by a leading, um, biscuit company, in association with a commercial organisation which offers to ‘science up’ the profile of client companies.

    It’s a bit like asking the departed head of NASA what he thinks of the DIRECT Jupiter rocket, and expecting a measured, rational and valuable reply…

  2. I don’t know bout British biscuits, but I’ve had some Italian biscotti that should have been subject to a background check and a 15-day waiting period in California.

  3. I wouldn’t discount the famous British sense of humor coming into play when the interviewer asks if they were injured by biscuits. I bet a lot of people had fun with some wild answers.

  4. “The Biscuit Injury Threat Evaluation”?

    Is this the British equivalent of April Fools Day?

    And if the Brits think their biscuits are hard, let ’em try the German SPRINGERLEs, Christmas cookies. Hard as a rock, but great dunked in coffee.

  5. “The Biscuit Injury Threat Evaluation”?

    “BITE” for short.

    Keep in mind, this is a country where they market cookies by calling them “digestive biscuits” — and remarkably, people are still willing to buy them! 🙂

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